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IBM Storage Insights licensing - How is my managed capacity calculated ?

By John Walsh posted Tue October 20, 2020 11:36 AM

So, you’ve purchased a subscription for IBM Storage Insights Pro and you’re billed monthly based on the amount of capacity that is managed.

But how do you know how much capacity is currently managed by IBM Storage Insights Pro? And, how is that capacity value calculated?

Well, the first question is easy!
From the Configuration menu, click Managed Capacity and the amount of capacity that is managed by your instance of IBM Storage Insights is shown at the top of the page.
The imaged shows the Managed Capacity page with the navigation bar and managed capacity value displayed.
Each record on this page represents a storage system that is monitored by IBM Storage Insights. The value at the top of the page is the sum of the Capacity to be Licensed values for all these records.

To learn how the capacity values are calculated, checked out the following video. I explain how the capacity to be licensed is calculated for your storage systems and walk you through an example scenario with a storage virtualizer that receives capacity from backend devices.  

Check out the what's new topic in the IBM Knowledge Center for an overview of all the latest features in IBM Storage Insights.

For news about IBM Spectrum Control and its cloud services counterpart, IBM Storage Insights, follow me on Twitter @johnfmwalsh.

