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IBM Storage Fusion Backup and Restore Orchestration (Recipe) Updates - IBM Storage Fusion 2.7.x

By Jim Smith posted Fri January 12, 2024 04:36 PM


By Ashish Gupta, @Sandeep Prajapati and @Jim Smith

Two new great tools are available for anybody creating a Fusion Backup & restore recipe to orchestrate backup and recovery of an OpenShift application:

  • - A shell script to consolidate log collection for Backup & restore jobs which utilize recipes. This is a great resource to debug your recipe workflow.
  • - A shell script to provide a list of all the etcd resources that were processed during a backup or restore job in CSV format. This is a great tool to help understand which resources are being processed by your recipe.

Watch for future blog posts on tips on how to use these tools and take advantage of other workflow features provided by the Backup & restore recipe infrastructure.

A reminder to check out the IBM Storage Fusion public GitHub repository which provides helpful utilities for IBM Storage Fusion and will allow members of the broader IBM Storage Fusion community to share and contribute tools and knowledge.  Check out the IBM Storage Fusion GitHub repository here.

The IBM Storage Fusion development team has provided a number of helpful recipes to orchestrate backup and recovery of popular applications with the IBM Storage Fusion Backup & Restore service. Currently we've included recipes for IBM Db2, PostgreSQL, Postgres EnterpriseDB, MongoDB, and Redis. 

If you would like to start developing recipes for other popular applications, read the series of blog posts that were recently published about creating backup and restore recipes:

  1. How IBM Storage Fusion Simplifies Backup and Recovery of Complex OpenShift Applications - Part 1 "So Why is this Complex?"
  2. How IBM Storage Fusion Simplifies Backup and Recovery of Complex OpenShift Applications - Part 2 "Orchestrations and Recipes"
  3. How IBM Storage Fusion Simplifies Backup and Recovery of Complex OpenShift Applications - Part 3 “A Deeper Dive into Recipes"

You can also find information about recipes in the IBM Knowledge Center.

We look forward to the IBM Storage Fusion community helping grow the repository by contributing today!

