[root@emsvm ~]# cd /home/deploy
[root@emsvm ~]# tar -xvf Scale_System_DME_UNIFIED-
[root@emsvm ~]# xz –decompress ess_6.2.2.0_1210-21_dme_x86_64.tar.xz
[root@emsvm ~]# tar -xvf ess_6.2.2.0_1210-21_dme_x86_64.tar
[root@emsvm ~]# sh ess_6.2.2.0_1210-21_dme_x86_64
ESS UNIFIED v6.2.x.x CONTAINER root@containerHostname:/ #
ESS UNIFIED v6.2.x.x CONTAINER root@containerHostname:/ # essrun -N utilityBareMetal config load
ESS UNIFIED v6.2.x.x CONTAINER root@containerHostname:/ # essrun -N emsvm,essio1,essio2,prt01,prt02 config load -p
ESS UNIFIED v6.2.x.x CONTAINER root@containerHostname:/ # essrun -N utilityBareMetal,emsvm,essio1,essio2,prt01,prt02 update --precheck
Update the management servers. NOTE: Complete the following steps for systems with one management server in the environment, for information about other scenarios please consult the deployment guide
ESS UNIFIED v6.2.x.x CONTAINER root@containerHostname:/ # essrun -N utilityBareMetal update --offline
- "Seems that kernel has changed. This will require a reboot "
- "Please exit container, shutdown VM and reboot utilityBareMetal”
- "Restart VM (./emsvm --start-EMS ) and container (./essmkyml --restart) once utilityBareMetal is back and run update again."
ESS UNIFIED v6.2.x.x CONTAINER root@containerHostname:/ # exit
[root@utilityBareMetal ~]# systemctl reboot
[root@utilityBareMetal ~]# virsh list --state-running
Id Name State
1 EMSVM-23E running
[root@utilityBareMetal ~]# cd /serv/EMSVM-main/ ; ./emsvm --start-EMS
[root@emsvm ~]# cd /home/deploy/ess_6.2.x.x_...dir/ ; ./essmkyml --restart
ESS UNIFIED v6.2.x.x CONTAINER root@containerHostname:/ #
ESS UNIFIED v6.2.x.x CONTAINER root@containerHostname:/ # essrun -N utilityBareMetal update --offline
- "Upgrade of ESS Utility Node (Bare metal) Complete."
Update EMSVM node; from the container, run this command:
ESS UNIFIED v6.2.x.x CONTAINER root@containerHostname:/ # essrun -N emsvm update --offline
- 'Seems that kernel has changed. This will require a reboot '
- Please exit container and reboot <MScontainer_hostname>
- Restart container (./essmkyml --restart) once ems is back and run update again.
ESS UNIFIED v6.2.x.x CONTAINER root@<MScontainer_hostname>:/ # exit
[root@utilityBareMetal ~]# reboot
[root@utilityBareMetal ~]# virsh list --state-running
Id Name State
1 EMSVM-23E running
[root@utilityBareMetal ~]# cd /serv/EMSVM-main/ ; ./emsvm --start-EMS
[root@emsvm ~]# cd /home/deploy/ess_6.2.x.x_...dir/ ; ./essmkyml --restart
ESS UNIFIED v6.2.x.x CONTAINER root@containerHostname:/ #
ESS UNIFIED v6.2.x.x CONTAINER root@containerHostname:/ #essrun -N emsvm update --offline
- Please shutdown <MScontainer_hostname> and reboot the Utility Host(Bare Metal) since OFED was updated or reinstalled
- "Run this script: '/opt/ibm/ess/tools/samples/reloadEms.sh' when <MScontainer_hostname> is back."
ESS UNIFIED v6.2.x.x CONTAINER root@containerHostname:/ # ssh utilityBareMetal
[root@utilityBareMetal ~]# reboot
[root@emsvm ~]# /opt/ibm/ess/tools/samples/reloadEms.sh
[root@emsvm ~]# systemctl restart pmsensors
[root@emsvm ~]# systemctl restart gpfsgui
Update I/O nodes after the EMSVM node is updated, from the container, run this command
[root@emsvm ~]# cd /home/deploy/ess_6.2.x.x_...dir/ ; ./essmkyml --restart
ESS UNIFIED v6.2.x.x CONTAINER root@containerHostname:/ #
ESS UNIFIED v6.2.x.x CONTAINER root@containerHostname:/ # essrun -N <IOnode1>,<IOnode2>,<IOnoden> update --offline
ESS UNIFIED v6.2.x.x CONTAINER root@containerHostname:/ #
ESS UNIFIED v6.2.x.x CONTAINER root@containerHostname:/ # essrun -N <IOnode1>,<IOnode2>,<IOnoden> update
[root@IOnodeN ~]# systemctl restart pmsensors
[root@IOnodeN ~]# mmchfirmware --type storage-enclosure --fast-offline
[root@IOnodeN ~]# mmchfirmware --type storage-enclosure
[root@IOnodeN ~]# mmchfirmware –type drive --fast-offline
[root@IOnodeN ~]# mmchfirmware --type drive
[root@IOnodeN ~]# cd /install/ess/otherpkgs/rhels8/ppc64le/firmware/
[root@IOnodeN ~]# update_flash -v -f 01VL950_131_045.img
[root@IOnodeN ~]# update_flash -f 01VL950_131_045.img
[root@IOnodeN ~]# update_flash -c
Update the Utility Protocol BareMetal server. NOTE: This step is only for VM protocol nodes
ESS UNIFIED v6.2.x.x CONTAINER root@containerHostname:/ #
ESS UNIFIED v6.2.x.x CONTAINER root@containerHostname:/ # essrun -N protocolBareMetal update --offline
Update IBM Storage Scale in the protocol nodes.
Upgrade protocol nodes operative system and other components using container
ESS UNIFIED v6.2.x.x CONTAINER root@containerHostname:/ #
ESS UNIFIED v6.2.x.x CONTAINER root@containerHostname:/ # essrun -N prtvm1 update--offline
ESS UNIFIED v6.2.x.x CONTAINER root@containerHostname:/ #
ESS UNIFIED v6.2.x.x CONTAINER root@containerHostname:/ # essrun -N prtvm1 update
If the firmware needs to be updated in the protocol nodes run the following commands. NOTE: Just for POWER nodes
[root@prtN ~]# cd /install/ess/otherpkgs/rhels8/ppc64le/firmware/
[root@prtN ~]# update_flash -v -f 01VL950_131_045.img
[root@prtN ~]# update_flash -f 01VL950_131_045.img
[root@prtN ~]# update_flash -c
Run health checks on each node that were upgraded:
In conclusion, the update process described here shares many similarities with the approach detailed in our previous blog on POWER9 EMS. However, in this case, updating both the EMS VM and the BareMetal server introduces additional steps.
We also explored the scenario of updating VM protocol nodes, which, like the EMS, requires attention to both the VM protocol and the BareMetal server to maintain system compatibility and functionality.