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IBM TechXchange Conference Session: Unveiling The University of Queensland's Future-Ready Data Fabric with IBM Global Data Platform

By Jake Carroll posted Mon August 21, 2023 11:55 AM


Session Title: Unveiling The University of Queensland's Future-Ready Data Fabric with IBM Global Data Platform 

Session Description: A session years in the making but never shown at an IBM TechXchange before. Often confined to the IBM Storage Scale user groups all over the world and large scientific research institutions, but increasingly relevant to all manner of organisations globally, this talk provides an inside view into the fascinating world of data fabrics from global experts. This talk will provide insight into why data fabrics matter, provides some value propositions for them, where the creative process started for UQ - and the place we've landed, with one of the most vibrant, successful and innovative storage systems built for research data in the world. It takes the IBM Storage Scale AFM concept, builds on top of that - and shows just what can be achieved both close to home in the private or on premises cloud - as well as out there in public cloud infrastructure, all using the one data fabric. For those interested in enterprise architecture - we're going there with this talk. For those interested in integration and deep tech, we're going there too. If you're a governance person, we're going to show what software defined storage and data governance-as-code can really look like in a modern data fuelled organisation. You've probably heard plenty about these concepts if you're heavily involved with the mass data storage aspects of organisations, but this is where the reality and the rubber hit the road.

Session ID: 4633

Date / Time: Wednesday, Sep 13 at 9:15 AM - 10:15 AM PDT

Location: Room 262, Level 2

Make sure you register: TechXchange Conference from Sept 11-Sept 14th in Las Vegas.



