Session Title: Fusion HCI Unleashed: Empowering Research with Container-Based Computing at the University of Queensland
Session Description: For this session, we're going to change it up a bit. We're going to take a deeper look into what one of the world's top 50 Universities is doing about the simplification of container-based computing to enable scientific research. We'll focus on a few key themes. We'll give some insight into why Fusion matters to us, what we're doing with it, why it is a departure from our traditional approaches and how it adds real value to our organisation as far as the people that matter (Researchers) are concerned. Things look radically different from even five years ago in the scientific research enablement space - and we think Fusion has a place in that radical reimagining. For those interested in a deeper understanding of how we are rolling out Fusion, or use cases and targets, we're going to give some insight and preview into what we've been building behind the scenes, including our GPU enabled RHODS workflows for "on demand" AI/ML workflows, the massive storage IO Capability inside Fusion, when paired with IBM Storage Scale - and finally, we'll show some of our cutting edge scientific use cases that Fusion is set to empower.
This is a talk for business value driven attendees and deep technical practitioners alike.
Session ID: 1149
Date / Time: Wednesday, Sep 13 at 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM PDT
Location: Room 263, Level 2
Make sure you register: TechXchange Conference from Sept 11-Sept 14th in Las Vegas.