IBM Cloud Pak System

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Cloud Paks on IBM Cloud Pak System - Bringing together best of both the worlds!

By Hina Sharma posted Thu October 22, 2020 07:27 AM


IBM Cloud Pak System (CPS), a fully loaded, pre-integrated, virtualized cloud operating system helps you easily deploy and manage your workloads.  IBM Cloud Pak System's template and patterns driven architecture allows quick deployment of applications. 


IBM continues bringing in innovations with the development of IBM Cloud Paks.   IBM Cloud Paks help clients move to cloud, and modernize their existing applications while providing management, security and governance features.


With IBM Cloud Pak System, our clients get best of both the worlds.   Clients can now use ready to deploy accelerators to deploy IBM Cloud Paks. In 3 simple steps, users can deploy any IBM Cloud Pak as per their requirement.  IBM Cloud Pak System also provides the flexibility to deploy capabilities for IBM Cloud Pak for Applications and IBM Cloud Pak for Integration on top of IBM Cloud Paks.   And of course! It is all automated.


Once user in logged into IBM CPS and chooses a Cloud Pak accelerator to deploy (say Cloud Pak for Applications), VMs are automatically provisioned as per the cluster requirement.  Once provisioned successfully, required images and operating system are deployed.  Post deployment of the operating system, Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform is deployed using ansible playbooks.  Post that, IBM Cloud Pak for Applications is installed.  The total deployment process, takes around 2 hrs. The deployed cluster will now have IBM Cloud Pak for Applications software deployed along with capabilities like Kabanaro, Tekton, Transformation Advisor and Mobile Foundation.   If done otherwise, user would have to do all these steps manually - which would have led to human errors and of course the amount of time it would take, would be significant.


Deploying IBM Cloud Paks on IBM Cloud Pak System offers the following benefits:


-   Automated deployment of IBM Cloud Paks on RedHat OpenShift Container Platform.
-   Automated deployment of IBM Cloud Pak components/capabilities on top of IBM Cloud Paks.
-   Support for both File and Block storage - NFS and OCS
-   Supports the latest IBM Cloud Paks on the latest OpenShift version.
-   Support for both internal /external docker registry to pull OCP images.
-   Support external NFS server.
-   Pull images directly from OpenShift using pull secret.
-   Supports Day-2 operations like:
            -  Scaling worker nodes to address the increased requirement of resources.
            -  Vertical scaling of CPU/Memory as per requirement.
            -  Check OpenShift cluster health with nodes/pods summary on IBM CPS console.
            -  Stop / Delete a running cluster, if need be.
            -  The deployed cluster is in High Availability mode.  Applications are up and running even if any of the master/workers go down.

-   Choice of Cloud Paks capability /components to deploy.

 Cluster Configuration:

A basic  RedHat OpenShift Container Platform cluster consists of 3 Master , 2 Worker , 2 Helper and 1 Bootstrap node.   However, a Cloud Pak accelerator has 3 Master nodes, 3 Worker nodes, 2 Helper and 1 Bootstrap node, as shown with the marked rectangle in the figure.  The Bootstrap node is deleted once the OpenShift install is successful.

Follow the below recipes to deploy IBM Cloud Paks on IBM Cloud Pak System


RedHat OpenShift Container Platform - NFS

RedHat OpenShift Container Platform - OCS

RedHat OpenShift Container Platform - Day2

IBM Cloud Pak for Applications

IBM CLoud Pak for Integration - NFS

IBM Cloud Pak for Integration- OCS

IBM Cloud Pak for Automation

IBM Cloud Pak for Security

IBM CLoud Pak for Multicloud Management

IBM Edge Application Manager


IBM Cloud Paks on IBM Cloud Pak System empowers the developers with an environment that helps them work on their projects, innovate and build applications faster, and become production ready in a short time. 

