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Outdated Hardware: Evolution of Active File Management in IBM Storage Fusion HCI

By Harichandana Kotha posted Tue April 23, 2024 03:10 AM


Incorporating Active File Management (AFM), a key feature of IBM Spectrum Scale, this node type becomes particularly significant within the context of IBM Storage Fusion HCI when configured with the Global Data Platform (GDP).

Shifting Towards Software-Centric AFM

Moving forward, Active File Management (AFM) within our IBM Storage Fusion HCI platform is experiencing a significant evolution. AFM functions through a dedicated hardware node known as the 9155-F01 (SR630v1), procured from Lenovo. As technology progresses, the SR630v1 server has become outdated and is now superseded by more advanced models like the SR630v3. Additionally, some components of the SR630v1, such as the hot-swap drives, have reached end-of-life status, necessitating a transition to newer hardware.

The Transition to Software-Based AFM

The objective was to transition AFM from a hardware-dependent feature to a software-based one.
By utilizing the same server for both general computing tasks and AFM functionality, we eliminate the need for separate hardware components, such as the unique MTM 9155-F0N.

In the upcoming release alongside the Gen 2 launch, we're introducing the C10 (SR630v3) 32-core compute server or C14 (SR630v3) 64-core compute server. The objective here is to utilize this same server for the AFM node.
This enables us to reduce our purchases from Lenovo by utilizing a single server for multiple functions. By leveraging the versatility of the C10/C14 servers, we can avoid introducing a new hardware model like the hypothetical 9155-F02. Instead, the administrator can designate compute-only nodes as AFM nodes, further simplifying our infrastructure. Following this release, the 9155-F01 AFM node will no longer be shipped with SR630V3 servers, thereby discontinuing support for hardware AFM nodes on Gen2 MGENed racks.

Following this release, any compute-only node, such as SR645 or SR630V3, can be converted into an AFM node. Gen1 MGENed racks will retain the hardware AFM nodes at dedicated RU locations RU23 and RU24 even after upgrading the IBM Storage Fusion HCI software from ISF-2.7.1 to ISF-2.8.1.

Workflow diagram

Expanded Flexibility in Node Placement

Support will be provided for placing AFM nodes at any rack unit location except the base rack node location (RU2 to RU7). This means the nodes designated for AFM will no longer be restricted to the current slots, specifically RU23 and RU24. IBM Storage Fusion HCI will offer flexible placement of any node, regardless of hardware type, at any rack unit position starting from the ISF-2.8.1 release.

