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5 steps to deploying IBM Spectrum Protect Plus to the AWS Cloud

By DEBORAH Sparks posted Mon August 17, 2020 01:13 PM


Interested in using IBM Spectrum Protect Plus on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud, but not sure where to start? Just follow a few steps. You must have an AWS account, so if you do not have an account, create one.

Your first step is to determine whether you want to run IBM Spectrum Protect Plus in an all-on-cloud or hybrid environment.


In this environment, both the IBM Spectrum Protect Plus server and the vSnap server are deployed to AWS.


In this environment, only the vSnap server is deployed to AWS. The IBM Spectrum Protect Plus server is installed and maintained on premises or another location.

For detailed information about these two environments, see the IBM Spectrum Protect Plus on the AWS Cloud Deployment Guide.

After you have determined the environment that best meets your needs, complete the following steps:

  1. Sign on to your AWS account.

  2. Subscribe to the IBM Spectrum Protect Plus Amazon Machine Image (AMI) from the IBM Spectrum Protect Plus page on AWS Marketplace.

  3. Use an AWS CloudFormation template to deploy IBM Spectrum Protect Plus to AWS. You can use the template to deploy to an all-on-cloud or hybrid environment.

    If you are running IBM Spectrum Protect Plus in an existing Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) on AWS, use the template for an existing VPC.

    If you are installing IBM Spectrum Protect Plus for the first time, use the template for a new VPC.

    The deployment might take up to an hour to complete.
  4. Configure connection to the IBM Spectrum Protect Plus web application if required for your environment.

  5. Test the deployment.

These steps are described in detail in the IBM Spectrum Protect Plus on the AWS Cloud Deployment Guide.

This guide also provides planning and technical specifications for deployment and other information to help you get IBM Spectrum Protect Plus up and running on AWS. 

The Bring Your Own License (BYOL) model is used to deploy IBM Spectrum Protect Plus to AWS. For information about obtaining a monthly or perpetual license for IBM Spectrum Protect Plus or a free 30-day trial version, see the product license information.


