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IBM going to NVIDIA GTC with the fastest AI Storage and AI-Direct Data Accelerator that propels IBM into some big wins

By David Wohlford posted Sun March 10, 2024 09:24 PM


Data matters and as AI spending is expected to grow to $301 billion by 20261 according to IDC research and deploying infrastructure to support new AI workflows is the top business initiative2. When planning an AI infrastructure strategy, it’s easy to focus on compute resources and the applications without a strategy for the data that fuels the results and the benefits of AI.  Careful thought and planning must be used when deploying an AI data strategy, but we find there are several challenges that provide roadblocks to success. 

With companies like NVIDIA and their accelerated performance using GPUs there is a growing need to increase the performance of workloads and use more data from multiple sources that needs to be accessed. The problem is that data can be locked in silos that can be difficult to access and this can slow down results or cause inconsistent results with too many copies of data.  Another challenge is budget and energy constrains that must be contained with growing amounts of resources required for AI projects. Finally, a business must ensure that their data is trustworthy and secure as compromised or inaccessible data data leads loss of business or incorrect results that can dangerously impact the business. 

IBM Storage Scale and Scale System is designed to break through data barriers and challenges that leaders face when deploying an AI infrastructure.

 Our value is simple and is centered on four essential data services

access services  with AI-Direct Access to expedite AI workloads with faster results
caching or core services with AI-Direct Accelerator and AI-Direct Mobility that enable flexibility with global data access
data management services with AI-Direct Orchestrator  that support green and lower cost initiatives
resiliency services with AI-Direct Resiliency that  safeguard  and create a trusted AI platform

Our story is not just about another storage product but is about delivering AI innovation into your existing infrastructure to drive more value throughout the organization. From NVIDIA to watsonx and to any AI workload, IBM Storage Scale is engineered to provide faster access to more data with less resources all wrapped with cyber enhanced data resiliency.  We are AI Storage for business with leading performance for hybrid cloud architectures.

Forschungszentrum Jülich will be home to Europe’s first exascale computer - called JUPITER. It will be the first in Europe to surpass the threshold of one trillion (“1” followed by 18 zeros) calculations per second with 6000 nodes using NVIDIA Grace Hopper GPUs (GH200) and required the fastest and most efficient storage to optimize this huge investment.

Read more about this exciting story

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