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Nuance is the backend speech recognition engine for a number of popular service offerings. Nuance looks very similar to a lot of other AI and big data customers and ultimately, may be the way of the future for customers with PB of data to analyze.
Nuance currently has over 5PBs of speech wave files as well as uncountable text and other files, all inside IBM Storage Scale . They have both lots of big files and lots of small files. These days, Storage Scale is processing 2-3M files/second. They have doubled capacity for each of the last 9 years, and today handle a billion new files a month. Storage Scale stripes data across storage, provides data protection, migration, snapshotting and storage tiering across a diverse mix of storage. This proved to be a great solution as they have upgraded the underlying storage at least 3 times and all their users were none the wiser.For more information on this solution watch the video here.