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IBM Spectrum Protect Plus V 10.1.6 iFix2 - Released Aug 3, 2020

By Christopher Rogers posted Mon August 03, 2020 08:27 PM

The team for IBM Spectrum Protect Plus released version 10.1.6 iFix2 on August 3rd, 2020. This release contains some important fixes, such as the following:

  • Stale mount point
  • Filesystem scalability improvement
  • For a complete list of APARs fixed in this level refer to this link.

With this fix comes many Security Bulletins that have been addressed in this iFix. Below is a list of the security flashes that are now resolved:

Spectrum Protect Plus Security Bulletins:

To download this version of IBM Spectrum Protect Plus, you will need to visit Fix Central

Other Important Links:
Be sure to follow me on Twitter @l2clrogers!

