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Get in the game and make a difference! Share your expertise, insights, and feedback in the IBM Storage Sponsor User Program!

By Bob Graczyk posted Wed September 12, 2018 02:32 PM


Originally posted by: bobby_g




The #IBMStorage portfolio of products is looking for active participants to work with #IBMDesign and developers in their IBM Storage Sponsor User Program in order to create world class products with great user experiences. Whether you are an existing or prospective IBM storage customer, it might be time to take part in an exciting, collaborative, and fluid experience that enables you to share your voice and domain expertise to help shape the future of our IBM storage products.

Let’s face it, we are designing these products for you, the user. The closer our design and development teams can work with sponsor users to understand exactly what they expect and need, the better our products will be in making you more efficient and successful in your job.








































As an engaged member of the IBM Storage Sponsor User Program your point of view will be heard! The IBM Design team will integrate your insights and perspectives into the decision making process as the project moves forward. In addition, you even get a peek into upcoming storage releases and gain beta access to new products.


Are you ready to align #IBMStorage with your reality of what a product should do?

Are you a real user or a potential user of an IBM Storage software product?


Then, it’s time for you to help improve the user experience and help shape the future of the IBM storage.


If you're interested, please complete this quick form:


You will be contacted by an IBM representative and you and/or your company will be made available to the IBM Design team for usage with a storage product.



For continuing information on IBM Spectrum Control, IBM Storage Insights and entire IBM Spectrum Storage Suite,  View Bob Graczyk's profile on LinkedIn or Twitter, @bobby_gratz


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