Getting Started
IBM TechXchange Dev Day: Virtual Agents
Join us 23 January from 11 AM - 6 PM ET as over 30 speakers from IBM and key AI industry leaders discuss the latest AI trends.
Organizer: IBM North America Advanced Technology Group / Venue - IBM San Jose, 555 Bailey Ave (Room # K222 - California Great Room) San Jose, CA 95141 (Google Map link here)
There is an additional day at the West Coast Storage Scale User Group August 6th and August 7th event. To attend this BONUS DAY 3, you need to be nominated by your IBM representative. Please contact your IBM representative to discuss how you may be nominated to attend. Lab seats are limited and on a first come basis. Nominations close on August 1.
This day is open by nomination, to customers that want to better understand Storage Scale features and functions. Attendees will gain a deep Hands-On Experience of both Storage Scale and the Storage Scale System. We will delve into basic and advanced features and functions, such as: Installing a Storage Scale cluster, setting up protocol nodes, using ILM policies, and working with AFM. Drive a Storage Scale GUI and more!
Click here for a flyer that advertises this 3rd Day, put on by Americas Advanced Technology Group
There is no charge for this event. Travel and living expenses are the responsibility of the individual attendee.
Important Note: Dress is business casual and customers will need to bring their own laptop for hands on labs. Attendees will be responsible for their own travel and lodging arrangements and expenses.
For more information on Day 3 registration or nominations: BethAnn Stugis, (Nominations close on August 1).
For more information on West Coast Storage Scale Users Group information: Paul Zakoor,