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IBM® Spectrum Control™ 5.2.13 Chargeback and Consumer Reports: Don't show me the money!

By Archive User posted Wed March 08, 2017 04:00 AM


Originally posted by: PatrickLeahy

Yes, we can show the capacity and the cost of the storage that your applications, departments, physical servers, hypervisors, and hypervisor and server clusters use.

But, sometimes you might want capacity to take center stage. (Sorry, Costs, you're going to have to sit this one out. At least, in this report.)


So, you create a custom report, schedule it, and exclude the storage costs.


When Jane and Joe get the report in their inbox, they get what they want - a daily summary report of the capacity that is used by the applications that they manage.

To learn more, go to IBM Spectrum Control documentation and IBM Spectrum Storage Suite.


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