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Upgrading IBM Spectrum Scale Erasure Code Edition using installation toolkit

By Archive User posted Sun June 09, 2019 01:57 PM

This blog provides an introduction to IBM Spectrum Scale Erasure Code Edition and then describes a procedure that is followed for upgrading and configuring IBM Spectrum Scale Erasure Code Edition using the installation toolkit.

Introduction to IBM Spectrum Scale Erasure Code Edition:
The IBM Spectrum Scale Erasure Code Edition delivers valued IBM Spectrum Scale features and Network RAID to commodity network storage-rich servers which can contain NVMe, SSD, or HDD drives. The data and parity are evenly distributed across servers and storage devices to survive concurrent failure of servers and storage devices. Using software based declustered erasure codes, storage utilization is improved, and cost is reduced. Storage can be expanded by adding storage-rich servers. The Disk Hospital component of IBM Spectrum Scale Erasure Code Edition can identify failing disks for replacement, and detect and correct silent data corruption.

Steps for upgrading IBM Spectrum Scale Erasure Code Edition:
You can upgrade to a newer available version of IBM Spectrum Scale Erasure Code Edition by using the installation toolkit. Only offline upgrade is supported for the first release; therefore, you must designate all nodes in the cluster as offline in the upgrade configuration as a part of the upgrade. This procedure can also be used to upgrade from the limited availability (LA) release to the general availability (GA) release.

1. Download the IBM Spectrum Scale Erasure Code Edition self-extracting package from the IBM Spectrum Scale page on Fix Central.
The name of the IBM Spectrum Scale Erasure Code Edition self-extracting install
package is like Spectrum_Scale_Erasure_Code-

2. Extract the install package. The installation toolkit gets extracted to the /usr/lpp/mmfs/ directory.
To verify that the extracted package is of IBM Spectrum Scale Erasure Code Edition, go to the /usr/lpp/mmfs/ directory and check for gpfs.gnr* packages.

3. Change the directory to where the installation toolkit is extracted.
cd /usr/lpp/mmfs/

4. Specify the installer node and the setup type in the cluster definition file. The setup type must be ece for IBM Spectrum Scale Erasure Code Edition.
./spectrumscale setup -s InstallerNodeIP -st ece

5. Run the config populate command to populate the cluster definition file with the current cluster configuration.
./spectrumscale config populate -N ScaleOutNodeIP

Note: If the config populate command does not work, you can still use the installation toolkit to populate the cluster configuration using manual commands such as ./spectrumscale node add

6. If there are protocol nodes in the cluster, suspend Cluster Export Services (CES) on the protocol nodes and stop protocol services.

mmces node suspend -N ProtocolNodeList --stop
ProtocolNodeList is a list of all protocol nodes in the cluster.

7. Shut down GPFS on all nodes in the cluster.
mmshutdown -a

8. Designate all nodes in the cluster as offline in the installation toolkit upgrade configuration.
./spectrumscale upgrade config offline -N NodeList
NodeList is a list of all nodes in the cluster.

You can exclude nodes from the current upgrade run by using the following command:
./spectrumscale upgrade config exclude -N NodeName

Perform the installation toolkit upgrade precheck and upgrade operations after running the config populate operation to upgrade the IBM Spectrum Scale Erasure Code Edition cluster.

9. Perform the installation toolkit upgrade precheck before invoking the installation toolkit upgrade.
./spectrumscale upgrade precheck

Perform the installation toolkit upgrade procedure.
./spectrumscale upgrade run

You can access the installation toolkit upgrade logs from the /usr/lpp/mmfs/ directory.

10. Resume CES on the protocol nodes and start protocol services.
mmces node resume -N ProtocolNodeList --start
ProtocolNodeList is a list of all protocol nodes in the cluster.

11. Start GPFS on all nodes in the cluster.
mmstartup -a

12. After the upgrade process is done, complete the upgrade to the new code level to take advantage of the new functionality. For more information, see completing the upgrade to a new level of IBM Spectrum Scale in, IBM Spectrum Scale: Concepts, Planning, and Installation Guide.

After the upgrade is completed, you can use the installation toolkit for tasks such as adding new nodes, adding recovery group, building additional file systems, adding management GUI nodes, and adding protocol nodes. For more information, see Performing additional tasks using the installation toolkit in Installing IBM Spectrum Scale Erasure Code Edition section in the IBM Spectrum Scale Knowledge Center.
