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FlashSystem A9000 & A9000R Hyperswap Resources

By Archive User posted Fri June 09, 2017 01:47 PM


Last year, IBM announced the new FlashSystem A9000 & A9000R new HyperSwap capability. I have provided an overview in a previous post.

FlashSystem A9000 and A9000R storage systems - existing and new - can now be clustered to deliver active-active all-flash storage access, using the new HyperSwap capability.

HyperSwap is made of 100% built-in system software, and requires no extra license or hardware. Once existing FlashSystem A9000 & A9000R systems are hot-upgraded to version 12.1,  or new systems are deployed, they are HyperSwap ready. That's impressively close to having top-notch all-flash high-availability storage across your data centers. To round it up, we've invested a lot to make sure that HyperSwap solutions are simple to manage, well supported by other infrastructure, and well documented. For those of you who are going to be planning HyperSwap solutions, driving HyperSwap hands-on, or are otherwise interested in more details about FlashSystem A9000 & A9000R HyperSwap, here's a list of resources:


Some of the links above hook into FlashSystem A9000 (Pod) documentation. 
Identical HyperSwap documentation is available for FlashSystem A9000R (Rack), here.

This post will be updated with newer FlashSystem A9000/R HyperSwap resources as they become available.



Tue June 13, 2017 09:40 AM

Hi Jerry. A9000/R is deployed by multiple prominent Financial customers. These customers and other use its Sync and Async mirroring. You can find information about that and more at the product overview and the A9000/R mirroring Redbook. For more information and support please follow-up with me via my corporate mail.

Mon June 12, 2017 05:01 AM

It's impressed about the A9000 hyperswap feature, but in the most of our financial customers are looking for HA/DR solution, and how about the HA/DR architecture by A9000? is our A9000 also support kinds of architecture? or can we support 3x site availability with A9000 hyperswap technology?

Please help to advise~