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I Love Performance - Can You Hint Best Practice for Spectrum Scale Filesystem Block Size

By Archive User posted Fri April 21, 2017 05:24 PM

Spectrum Scale is state of the art unified file and object solution which differentiates with the rest in the industry based on its performance and scalability. One thing that one needs to know is the best practice to configure spectrum scale filesystem block size.

The best way to figure out the blocksize for the spectrum scale filesystem you need is to follow the guidelines stated in here:

Spectrum Scale FileSystem Planning
Knowledge Center: Block Size

Additionally below is for your easy reference:
For ESS version 5.0 and Spectrum Scale Version 4.2.3 ; below , following is a table that gives suggestive recommendations.


  • PS: Thanks to Spectrum Scale development team members.

  • - Scott Fadden, Sandeep Patil

  • #blocksize
