IBM MaaS360

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 Questions about running scripts on Macs and PCs

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Ben Silver posted Mon February 03, 2025 11:55 AM


I need to be able to run scripts on both macs and PCs.

In our last MDM we had multiple ways to run scripts (Bash for Mac, Powershell for PC)

I could upload them to our library, where I could apply them to a specific machine, group, set of groups, etc.
I could also schedule them to run anywhere from hourly to monthly. Or I could set them to "As needed."
And for adhoc one-offs I could just select the machine, click "execute script" and copy/pase the script to run immediately on that one machine.

In Maas360 it seems much more limited and system-dependent.

My questions are:

For Mac and PCs, can I choose to run indivual scripts, immediately on the fly?

For Macs and PCs, can I write scripts to execute automatically (typically daily)

I know that I can:

For Mac, I can choose an individual device >> Execute Shell Script >> and upload a script to run immediately.
This is basically the functionality I wanted, it's one extra step of uploading the script vs copy/pasting it.
But even when I say "execute immediately" it still says "Scheduled" and it seems like it can take up to an hour to run on machines I know are connected and waiting.

For PCs, it seems like I can run scripts... but its much more complicated.
If I want to run a script, I need to write the script, create a new "App" for it, and force install it on any individual machine(s)/groups I need.
If I want to schedule something, I can write my own script to create a scheduled task on the PC to run every day.


If I have a script I want to force run on multiple Macs, right now, can I do that? Edit figured this one out. I can send it to a group.

If I have a script I want to run on an individual PC, once, can I do it like I can on the Mac? By picking an individual machine and sending it?
Or do I have to go through the whole process up uploading it as an app and force installing it

I made a chart of the answers as I currently understand them... is this correct?