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X-Force Story Hour on 12/12 - Don't Miss it!

  • 1.  X-Force Story Hour on 12/12 - Don't Miss it!

    Posted Fri December 08, 2023 11:03 AM

    It's mid-December which means we're all ready to curl up by the fire with a glass of something cheerful and reflect back on 2023. Embark on a thrilling journey as we present "IBM X-Force Unplugged," an opportunity to delve into the murky depths of cybersecurity and get a glimpse into some of the innovative research, client stories, and types of briefings the team provided in 2023. 

    • Go behind-the-scenes with IBM X-Force to see what kind of cybersecurity challenges they defend and protect clients against 
    • Hear real-world anecdotes, providing a firsthand account of the ever-changing tactics employed by cyber adversaries and the innovative countermeasures devised by the X-Force team 


    covered include: 

    • Unmasking the Skimmers: Decrypting Data for Breach Disclosure Compliance
    • Came for the Ransomware, Stayed for the APT
    • A USB Exchange and the Unseen Assailant
    • Phishing Success Takes an Unexpected Twist: Uncovering an Intruder on Compromised Ground
    • Circuit Break-in: Unconventional tactics to harvest credentials at an electronics company
    • Inside the Shadows of a Middle Eastern Government Agency Cyber Espionage

    Sarah Dudley
    Senior Product Marketing Manager, Threat Management Services, IBM Security