Hello ,
In order to collect event Oodrive.
I try to transform a script Python to an XML Script. Find here the script Python with tree steps Session cookies negociation, identification and finally authentication steps.
but when I try with for firt steps :
<CallEndpoint url="https://sXXcXXpp.snc.oodrive.com/auth/ws/ClientXX/?service=user-home" method="GET" savePath="/get_events" >
Normally I need to get 4 value for Cookies : XSRF-TOKEN , SNC-auth and TS01759197, TS013be7c9 I have already tested yby Postman for example.
But I get only the last value for Cookies : "xxxxx Cookie":"TS013be7c9=01c xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx". Qradar overwrites others previous values.
to get the session token , I need these values as paramaeters for the next steps.
Do you have any ideas how to get all details for value using XML Workflows ? there is any others parameters to be add in the request to have these details ?
If I stored the response on a file on Qradar. Do you think can store all details with also first Session value ?
Thank you in advance for your assistance or ideas ?
import requests
#Resource owner (enduser) credentials
#Environment infos
server = 'smxcxxpp.snc.oodrive.com'
workspace= 'ClientXX'
#Session cookie negociation
URL = "https://"+server+"/auth/ws/"+workspace+"/?service=user-home"
login_url = "https://"+server+"/auth/steps/?service=user-home"
client = requests.session()