Original Message:
Sent: Mon January 27, 2025 12:01 PM
From: Raymond Tam
Subject: Universal Cloud REST API - troubleshooting help
Thanks! those are good debug tips. I looked into the qradar.error and qradar.java.debug logs. No errors showed up when I filter by the keyword "sources.universalcloudrestapi.
To check my understanding, are the debug errors logged by default? Do I need to enable the debug in the workflow?
Raymond Tam
Original Message:
Sent: Fri January 24, 2025 12:34 PM
From: Joseph Gilbrook
Subject: Universal Cloud REST API - troubleshooting help
The workflow looks fine as far as I can tell, plus you see the events in the tests alright.
Any chance you're getting any kind of "java.lang.NumberFormatException" or other FormatException errors on the target EC?
And, have you given the debug classpath a shot? com.q1labs.semsources.sources.universalcloudrestapi
Debug classpath will help you see if they're being Posted (look for something like com.q1labs.semsources.sources.universalcloudrestapi.v1.workflow.action.PostEventsAction: [DEBUG] Posting 15 events
), which might help pinpoint a problem further along the line (like format exceptions).
Joseph Gilbrook
Original Message:
Sent: Fri January 24, 2025 11:52 AM
From: Raymond Tam
Subject: Universal Cloud REST API - troubleshooting help
I am working on a custom Universal Cloud REST API log source. I created the workflow.xml and workflow parameter values.xml. I tested the Log Source from the GUI without error, and I see records returned. I also tried the /opt/qradar/bin/test-workflow.sh command with no errors and I see JSON records in the output. The Log Source status is "OK" but it never downloaded any logs. I did the payload search and confirmed the logs are not in Qradar
Can anyone help review the Workflow xml if I am missing anything?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Workflow name="Sailpoint" version="1.0" xmlns="http://qradar.ibm.com/UniversalCloudRESTAPI/Workflow/V1">
<Parameter name="host" label="Host" required="true" />
<Parameter name="client_id" label="Client ID" required="true" />
<Parameter name="client_secret" label="Client Secret" required="true" secret="true" />
// Request Access Token //
<CallEndpoint url="https://${/host}/oauth/token" method="POST" savePath="/get_access_token">
<Parameter name="grant_type" value="client_credentials" />
<Parameter name="client_id" value="${/client_id}" />
<Parameter name="client_secret" value="${/client_secret}" />
<!-- Handle Errors -->
<If condition="/get_access_token/status_code != 200">
<Abort reason="${/get_access_token/body}" />
<!-- Extract the Access Token -->
<Set path="/access_token" value="${/get_access_token/body/access_token}" />
// Initialize bookmark default value //
<Initialize path="/bookmark" value="2025-01-23T00:00:00Z" />
// Request Events //
<CallEndpoint url="https://${/host}/v3/search" method="POST" savePath="/search">
<QueryParameter name="limit" value="5000" />
<RequestHeader name="Content-Type" value="application/json" />
<RequestHeader name="Accept" value="application/json" />
<RequestHeader name="Authorization" value="Bearer ${/access_token}" />
<RequestBody type="application/json" encoding="UTF-8">
"query": {
"query": "created:[${/bookmark} TO now]"
"indices": [
"includeNested": true,
"sort": [
<!-- Handle Errors -->
<If condition="/search/status_code != 200">
<Abort reason="${/search/body/error_description}" />
<!-- Post the Events -->
<PostEvents path="/search/body" source="${/host}" />
<!-- Update the Bookmark -->
<If condition="/search/body != null">
<Set path="/bookmark" value="${/search/body[0]/created}" />
<DNSResolutionTest host="${/host}" />
<TCPConnectionTest host="${/host}" />
<HTTPConnectionThroughProxyTest url="https://${/host}" />
Raymond Tam