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Think 2020 Call for Speakers is OPEN!

  • 1.  Think 2020 Call for Speakers is OPEN!

    Posted Wed October 30, 2019 09:43 AM
    Edited by Wendy Batten Wed October 30, 2019 11:23 AM

    The Think 2020 Call for Speakers is open! May 4-7 San Francisco.

    It's time to think about Think 2020 and we want to hear from our IBM Security Community. Tell us your story and submit your proposal, the more technical the better!

    Opportunities you’ll have as a speaker at Think
    •    The chance to connect with the IBMers, clients, Business Partners, industry experts, and press and analysts who matter to you and your work
    •    Session listing on Think’s online agenda portals so you can meet attendees prior to and at the events
    •    Primary clients and Business Partners leading breakout sessions may be eligible for a full conference pass

    Please review the Speaker FAQs for more details.
    •        Call for Speakers Closes: Tuesday, November 12th, 2019 at 06:00PM Pacific Time
    •        Speakers Notified: Early February
    •        Complete session and speaker actions in speaker kit: As soon as possible to confirm participation
    •        Final Presentations Due: Tuesday, March 10th, 2020

    Submit your proposal here and learn more about Think 2020.

    Wendy Batten
    Community Manager, IBM Security
    Cambridge MA