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  • 1.  Sending an image in mail body html, using OEC

    Posted Wed February 09, 2022 12:18 PM

    I am building a html template, in the Outbound Email workflow. my template should include some images as footer of the email.
    Resilient server and circuits are in one server which is air-gapped, and img is hosted locally in the server.

    I ma using the below HTML tag, in the preprocessing script, but the email comes with empty window, with correct dimensions. and message that, image cannot be displayed, and refering issue to link and file path/location. 
    <img src="" alt="something" width="2000" height="200">

    I see that the main issue is that, the script not able to fetch the image from the local server.
    Appreciate your support.

    ahmed abushanab

  • 2.  RE: Sending an image in mail body html, using OEC

    Posted Thu February 10, 2022 03:09 AM
    Dear Ahmed,
    It works in our environment as listed below.
    <img src=""></img>

    The "image_name.png" should be on a public web server where your e-mail client can access. The Outbound Email workflow does not embed the image itself to the e-mail, but the reference of the image path only.

    If your resilient, circuits and the image itself is on the same server and it is isolated from the network, the problem may to be the access of your email client to the linked image via https protocol. Please consider trying by linking a publicly accessible image in the <img> tags. It can be any publicly accessible image by the way.

    I hope that helps

    Aydin Kucukkarakas

  • 3.  RE: Sending an image in mail body html, using OEC

    Posted Mon February 14, 2022 06:50 AM
    Hi Aydin,

    Thanks for your reply,
    Actually the client environment is air-gapped and mail client will not be able to access the image source hosted in client's server.
    However, I made it by converting the image to HTML element and used the element itself inside the HTML body.


    ahmed abushanab

  • 4.  RE: Sending an image in mail body html, using OEC

    Posted 30 days ago

    Hi @ahmed abushanab ,

    can you mention how you achieved this in detail please ?

    Thanks in advance.

    mohamad islam hamadieh

  • 5.  RE: Sending an image in mail body html, using OEC

    Posted 20 days ago
    Edited by mohamad islam hamadieh 20 days ago

    if anyone have same question , I have implemented it using base64 encoding.

    1 - Upload the image to attachments.

    2 - Run an automatic playbook that convert attachments to base64 from the app SOAR Function Utilities for SOAR

    3 - Add the image in the mail body as : 

     <img src="data:image/png;base64, base64OfTheImageYouGotByRunningThePlayBook" />

    mohamad islam hamadieh