Cloud Pak for Security

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  • 1.  S1000-001 Exam Study Tips - Cloud Pak for Security v1.x Administrator Specialty

    Posted Wed January 26, 2022 10:25 AM
    Hello IBM Community,

    I would first like to start off by saying thank you for creating a wonderful space. It has actually helped contribute to some revision that I am doing for an exam I have in two days (on Thursday).

    Speaking of which, I was wondering if anyone in the community had any tips regarding studying for the S1000-001 exam. I have gone through all the Security Learning Academy Materials and even completed the relevant badges. I have also taken the Sample Test on the S1000-001 exam information website. Yet, something that makes me anxious is that the exam is based on v1.4 but 1.4 documentation is no longer available, and so I worry that I may get asked questions associated with that particular version...

    Does anyone that may have already sat the exam have any other tips in general?


    Iqra Haq

  • 2.  RE: S1000-001 Exam Study Tips - Cloud Pak for Security v1.x Administrator Specialty

    IBM Champion
    Posted Wed January 26, 2022 11:19 AM
    Hello Iqra,

    You have to get some skills to pass this certification, i passed it on march 2021, and what i remember this was not so easy :)

    Here are some informations from my own experience i share to you and the community :


    1. The success score

    You need 68% minimum! I I got the test on April 2021. I found this certification not so easy (with the documentation materials at that time).
    It has evolved since that time with more information as i saw recently.
    And a lot of learning badge created after on CP4S are very helpful now to go to success :)


    1. Knowledge

    In summary it is necessary to know CP4S, it is necessary to know Resilient (now IBM SOAR), IBM Common Services, STIX/TAXII, Stix Shifter, the rights and roles in each component, and to have a good knowledge of the interconnection of external data source AWS, Azur, Elastic ...

    It is also necessary to know the low layers, type management repo HELM, the support packages type toolbox as well as the backups / restore.

    It is also necessary to master the licensing component and how to comply, and finally what TII means.

    You should be able to handle :  DE/TII/CASES and Orchestration & Automation

         3. Look at PersonVue Assesment Test and official sample from the certification link

    Don't know if there is an Assesment test on PersonVue now (was not the case on march 2021), but if this is the case it can really help to test your knowledge.
    The samples provided officialy by IBM helps too.

         4. My Retex

    I spent (with my colleagues) a little time at Abakus Securité, to install a CP4S (v1.3) on premise successfully at the end of 2020.

    So i did all the operations, install redhat Open Shift, install IBM Common Services, install cloud Pak to understand the Deployment/Architecture.

    It helps to understand the logic.

    The prerequisites both hardware and technical knowledge (Kubernetees, Helm, Linux, certificates, ha proxy, etc ...) are important to achieve this deployment success. therefore this is an investment.


    The certification is very functional and administrative oriented, don't know if it has evolved since march 2021.

    In my time, the officials links for revision provided before will help you to understand what you have to know.

    My learning focus was on :

    USER/ROLE/GROUP: You need to have a good knowledge of the rights management on the platform, especially at the level of Cluster Administrator, Administrator, Viewer, Platform Service Administrator on the ICS and CP4S components but also SOAR, it can lead to confusion between the roles in the different parts (In CP4S for the management it is Platform Service Admin, for ICS and the LDAP connection it is Cluster Administrator, and to manage a playbook in SOAR it is Master Administrator).
    What's more : You need to review before the rights linked options to the different APPS (DE and data sources, TII with the TII Admin and Case then SOAR). It can help.


    DATA SOURCES: How to connect data sources. You can prepare with the Security Academy free learning site, need knowledge  of Elastic Search, AWS, etc.. (all connectors).

    You need to learn what a tenant is (if you know QRadar Tenant/Domain that helps) the isolation of several clients on the same CP4S (tenant type), if you understand the product well you will know how to answer between the rights and the source data.

    Also, prepare yourself  about parameters/configurations, simultaneous connections etc..


    TII : Knowledge needed of  what the indicator Risk or the Threat Score are, or how to comply with the license (if I do not have TII I do what: Uninstall TII, Deactivation in a menu, withdrawal of rights, etc. ...) 

    INFRA: backups/restore, what is saved or not between DE and CASE,  cp4s-toolbox


    SOAR : You have to know Resilient, the playbook, the functions, the actions, the processes (if you have passed the Resilient certification it's OK, which was my case).


    APPS/CORE SERVICE : Need to have knowledge on this.


    DE/CAR/TII : Query builder, retention, coupling with TII, UDI operation/interaction,  CAR and TII too.

    Good luck,  Let the force be with you :)

    Hope this helps,



  • 3.  RE: S1000-001 Exam Study Tips - Cloud Pak for Security v1.x Administrator Specialty

    Posted Wed January 26, 2022 11:39 AM

    Hi Zoldax,

    Thank you for the really in-depth response.

    I really appreciate you going out of your way to give me this information. It is really helping me understand more about what is expected from this exam! :D

    It is unfortunate that the documentation for the particular exam version is not available, but I will definitely look into the documentation that is available again to make sure I have gone through everything I can. 

    Thanks again,


    Iqra Haq

  • 4.  RE: S1000-001 Exam Study Tips - Cloud Pak for Security v1.x Administrator Specialty

    Posted Thu March 10, 2022 10:42 AM
    Hi there i wanna ask is the opera mini handler browser safe for use?

    Honey Jolly

  • 5.  RE: S1000-001 Exam Study Tips - Cloud Pak for Security v1.x Administrator Specialty

    Posted Wed April 13, 2022 09:21 AM

    If you want to pass the IBM Cloud Pak for Data Systems V1.x Administrator Specialty S1000-002 exam, you'll need to prep beforehand. I recently passed the IBM S1000-002 exam and I learned many things along the way. Hopefully these suggestions will help you succeed with your exam.

    Download Full Practice Exam Material Here:

    jhon higgins

  • 6.  RE: S1000-001 Exam Study Tips - Cloud Pak for Security v1.x Administrator Specialty

    Posted Wed April 13, 2022 09:22 AM

    jhon higgins