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Reminder: Sign up for the Virtual Proof of Technology Workshop and Earn Your Badge

  • 1.  Reminder: Sign up for the Virtual Proof of Technology Workshop and Earn Your Badge

    Posted Wed May 20, 2020 03:45 PM
    Edited by Sean DUVAL Wed May 20, 2020 03:47 PM
    Join myself and other Security Engineers for a virtual hands-on Cyber Threat Management training over the course of two days on May 27-28th.

    You can register here.  

    We will provide a unique opportunity to experience how QRadar and Resilient provide a comprehensive data threat detection and mitigation solution (SIEM/IR). We will also provide hands-on lab exercises with the powerful analysis and visualization platform, i2/EIA (Analyst's Notebook).

    We are also now offering the Cyber Threat Management Badge as a token of completion.

    Hope to see you there!

    Sean DUVAL