Was wondering if someone in the forum has been working with the OIDC /userinfo endpoint regarding manipulating the output and formatting for the json object that is presented after the access token has been presented?
We are acting as an OP and the consuming application is connecting to retrieve user attributes but this fails for the groups json array below because the escape character backslash \.
Do anyone know if it is possible to manipulate how the json object is presented at the /userinfo endpoint?
"sub": "John",
"employeetype": "Consultant",
"address": "someAddress",
"manager": "uid=John,ou=internal,ou=users,O=IBM",
"name": "John surName",
"groups": "[\"group1\",\"admin_group\",\"group2\",\"group3\"]",
"given_name": "John",
"family_name": "surName",
"email": "mail@some.mail",
"office": "Some city office"
Best regards