Howdy zSecure community.
New to RACF/ zSecure. Looking to list datasets affected by a RACF Dataset Profile (as in "LISTDSD DS('whatever') DSNS", BUT reference to live RACF Database foreclosed (/disallowed).
Rephrasing for clarity, "How would one either:
1) Execute the 'LISTDSD DA('whatever') DSNS' command such that in does not reference the Live RACF Database?
2) Obtain a list of dataset names affected by a RACF DATASET PROFILE sans reference to the RACF Database?
I've been asked to report RACF Dataset Profiles affecting no real datasets. I expect the next request will be to list datasets affected by either a given RACF Dataset Profile or all of them. A Batch solution would be preferable. I'm using awk to pull desired detail from generated output.
I've already generated a list of LISTDSD commands for 17K+ DATASET Profiles in our Test environment, but I'm not allowed to execute against our Live RACF Database.
Thank you much for your time and attention.
Dale Reinecke