Hi All,
I am exploring AAC with version ISAM 9.0.6.
The simple use case I wanted to try the protect the Web application by using email otp once the user is authenticated with username and password.
Basically I have below questions:
1. After activating the product, what are the prerequisite before running isamcfg tool? When using this tool, it says that it's deprecated but PDF and info-center show it as a mandatory step. So is that really needed? or I can do it from Secure Web Setting > Manage > Reverse Proxy Instance > Manage > AAC and Federation Configuration > Authentication and ContextBased Configurations ?
2. Can I have reverse proxy and AAC running on the same server? If yes then can they both run on the same ports or it must be different? or AAC runtime means the management console itself having AAC license activated?
3. By default, the appliance has Local Runtime Interface configured there with SSL(443) and Non-SSL port(80). What to do with it? Do we need to add interface there with the application interface hostname or IP?
3. While running isamcfg tool, it asks for
Advanced Access Control runtime listening interface hostname
Advanced Access Control runtime listening interface port
Do I need to specify the management console having AAC activated? Or the application interface host-name with the port?
4. In one of the configuration guides, I observed there is some modification done to the stepuplogin.html page from management root to put some script. Is this really required when I wanted to try above said simple use case?
I went through lot of security learning videos and other details on configuring Email OTP, TOP, and other configurations. However, I can not see any detailed and well-sequenced steps to complete the initial appliance set-up for AAC but it covers use cases after setting up the environment.
In info-center and PDF guides, a lot of forward and backward links that make me jump here and there with no proper sequence. Is there any guide or video which covers why to do it instead of just covering how do it?
Too much confusion for me or probably I am doing it all wrong.
Can someone please guide me on this? Thanks in advance!
Thanks and Regards,
Prashant Narkhede