IBM Security QRadar

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  • 1.  Import pcap files into Qradar

    Posted Fri November 24, 2023 11:58 AM


    one of our customers asked if it is possible to ingest traffic data from a pcap file into Qradar.

    We have an event\flow processor so he is expecting to see this data in the flow activity; is it possible to import this kind of data into Qradar without Network Packet Capture or Qradar Incident Forensics? We are running Qradar (soon we will update to

    B Regards,


    Davide Salardi

  • 2.  RE: Import pcap files into Qradar

    Posted Mon November 27, 2023 07:51 AM


    My undersatnding is that you will need to use a QIF to accomplish this requirement.


    Comghall Morgan
    QRadar Support Architect

  • 3.  RE: Import pcap files into Qradar

    Posted Mon November 27, 2023 09:15 AM

    Thanks for your reply, we are discussing it also with our pre-sale specialists.

    Is QIF a separated appliance (like QNI) or is an app extension that could be installed on an existing deployment?

    B Regards,


    Davide Salardi

  • 4.  RE: Import pcap files into Qradar

    Posted Mon November 27, 2023 10:33 AM

    It is a separate appliance.

    Please review the Install guide link below:

    Comghall Morgan
    QRadar Support Architect

  • 5.  RE: Import pcap files into Qradar

    IBM Champion
    Posted Tue November 28, 2023 11:35 AM


    ingesting pcap is very easy and part of our bootcamp. No extra appliance needed at all.

    You may have to install tcpreplay on your testmachine. An AIO may do the trick, just configure a monitor flow source. Here is a sample output from one of our labs:

    [Karl] [Jaeger] [Business Partner]
    [QRadar Specialist]
    [Karlsruhe] [Germany]

  • 6.  RE: Import pcap files into Qradar
    Best Answer

    Posted Wed November 29, 2023 05:48 AM


    My understanding was that tis was to ingest for a production enviornment.

    As Karl has stated and thank you Karl, you can utilise tcpreplay to ingest pcaps as a test or within test environments. 

    Though my issue was that the tcpreplay rpm is not installed by deafult on a QRadar sysyem and why I stated the only supported method is using the additonal appliance for a production environnment. 

    Though if this is for a test or proof of concept then yes I see this as a valid method.


    Comghall Morgan
    QRadar Support Architect

  • 7.  RE: Import pcap files into Qradar

    Posted Tue December 05, 2023 10:29 AM


    thanks for your explanation.

    We already have a flow source configured on the target machine, it is still not so clear to us what our customer wants to achieve with this..we will be discussing the topic in detail with him.

    We have not deployed a QNI or QIF but only an event\flow processor, so I suppose the source .pcap file should already contain netflow\sFlow traffic because this is the only type of traffic that a flow processor can ingest.

    B Regards,


    Davide Salardi

  • 8.  RE: Import pcap files into Qradar

    Posted Fri May 31, 2024 08:57 AM


    after a while we are again evaluating this option..the point that I do not get completely is how the data contained in the .pcap file will be replayed: If we install and run tcpreplay, this will provide the output as a flow data (from an external .pcap that the customer will provide us from his PaloAlto firewalls) in "flow search" tab?

    We would like to run tcpreplay on a event\flow processor, we do not have any QNI or QIF additional appliance.


    Davide Salardi