An ugly solution might also be to issue a Post-Command based on the CLASS, and always issue a PE ID(*) DELETE. But that only works if you have no exceptions.
Another possibility might be to add a System REXX as Post-Command, so that you can do some extra checking. Or implement your own suggestion as a Pre-Command System REXX.
Or an RFE to enhance =PUBLIC to also include updates that make a profile public (in addition to affecting an existing public profile).
Guus Bonnes
Original Message:
Sent: Fri January 17, 2025 10:45 AM
From: Lennie Dymoke-Bradshaw
Subject: ID(*) and PERMIT FROM
Thanks for that info. That's useful.
What I think we need is a command that does all of the PERMIT ... FROM (...) actions but omits the ID(*) part. I guess I could write such a REXX routine using IRRXUTIL to read the from profile and generate PERMIT commands. The ID(*) would succeed or fail according to the CV controls. The performance hit of running the extra commands would not be a real problem given the relative rarity of the use of PERMIT ..... FROM(....).
Original Message:
Sent: 1/17/2025 8:59:00 AM
From: Guus Bonnes
Subject: RE: ID(*) and PERMIT FROM
There is an C4R.class.ACL.=FROM.profile policy profile that should prevent use of FROM. I agree that the equals sign (=) might be a bit confusing, but it is needed to avoid mixing FROM with a potential ID called FROM.
Or, you could add ID(*) to the original ACL with access NONE, and thus prevent PERMIT FROM from changing the existing access level. (I didn't test/verify this, but it's supposed to work that way).
Guus Bonnes
Original Message:
Sent: Fri January 17, 2025 07:05 AM
From: Lennie Dymoke-Bradshaw
Subject: ID(*) and PERMIT FROM
Greeting all,
This question is about Command Verifier.
I have implemented a profile of the form 'C4R.*.ACL.=STAR.*.**' in CLASS(XFACILIT).
This is correctly preventing the specification of ID(*) in any PERMIT command.
However, if a profile already exists with ID(*) specified (e.g. MYPROFILE2.*), then I can issue
and this succeeds in adding the ID(*) entry to the first profile.
What options exits to control and restrict this behaviour?
Many thanks
Lennie Dymoke-Bradshaw
Reverse Sweep Consulting Limited