IBM QRadar

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How Qradar computes flow duration

  • 1.  How Qradar computes flow duration

    Posted Thu September 22, 2022 08:10 AM


    we are receiving flows and i am analyzing their duration. I noticed that we can have:

    • a flow from one single source IP to one destination and there the flow duration seems clear to me,
    • however there is another type of flows where it is originating from multiple source IPs to the same destination IP and here i am not sure what does the flow duration indicate: is it the cumulative durations from all source IPs? and if so, is it possible to have the duration for each individual pair Source IP - Destination IP ?



  • 2.  RE: How Qradar computes flow duration

    Posted Thu September 22, 2022 11:22 AM


    Could you please go through the following technotes and see if it helps?

    If not, you can share a screenshot so that the question would be more clear.

