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How did the WannaCry ransomware change cybersecurity? Share your thoughts on a new article

  • 1.  How did the WannaCry ransomware change cybersecurity? Share your thoughts on a new article

    Posted Thu October 29, 2020 09:52 AM
    Edited by Laurance Dine Thu October 29, 2020 09:56 AM
    If you were already working in the cybersecurity industry in the spring of 2017, your skin will likely prickle when I mention the date May 12. As we all know, that was the day a perfect storm struck in the form of the WannaCry ransomware.

    Even after more than two years, WannaCry and its spiraling aftermath remain a source of fascination for many of us in the industry. Given this ongoing interest, I am pleased to have contributed, alongside several of my IBM Security teammates, to a new in-depth article that examines what happened that fateful 2017 day and how the consequences are still reverberating as we approach the end of 2020.

    I invite you to read the complete article, WannaCry: How the Widespread Ransomware Changed Cybersecurity, and I hope you'll consider sharing some of your own insights or experiences in the Comments section below this post.

    We'd love to hear how you reacted on May 12, 2017 or lessons you've learned about ransomware in the intervening years. Do you see any similarities between the current WannaCry attack and the current COVID-19 pandemic? Leave a comment below, and let's get a conversation going!

    Laurance Dine
    Global Partner, IBM Security X-Force Incident Response


  • 2.  RE: How did the WannaCry ransomware change cybersecurity? Share your thoughts on a new article

    Posted Sun November 08, 2020 04:19 AM
    The year 2017, will go down in history for being one of the most problematic in terms of Internet security. The fault of this is Ransomware and its best-known variant WannaCry. Now a variant of Ransomware has been detected that points directly to the websites that have WordPress installed, which, due to its popularity, can lead to severe problems for thousands of users. At the same time, a monetary ransom is requested from the user to decrypt the files and re-access them, but the payment required does not in any way ensure that the files will be recovered again.I did a blog post on my cyber security blog explaining how wannacry as well as other ransomware impact wordpress, you may find it interesting

    lissa coffeey Cyber Security Expert
    Security Manager
    WP Hacked Help

  • 3.  RE: How did the WannaCry ransomware change cybersecurity? Share your thoughts on a new article

    Posted Sun November 08, 2020 04:22 AM
    Thanks helpful article. I have time to read now.
    Stay Safe 😷


  • 4.  RE: How did the WannaCry ransomware change cybersecurity? Share your thoughts on a new article

    Posted Mon November 09, 2020 04:13 AM
    Let´s say it that way, we still check for those exploits.

    and Lessons Learned: 
    - Community is key to contain and eradicate global scale attacks
    - Nothing boosts an awareness campaign more than an experienced attack scenario

    Robert Doerge