yup, I think I got that to work now.
Original Message:
Sent: Mon February 24, 2025 07:48 AM
From: Laurent LA Asselborn
Subject: Getting the original URL that triggered the step-up authentication
You can get a parameter (from the URL or from the POST body) by using this code:
var myparam = ''+context.get(Scope.REQUEST, "urn:ibm:security:asf:request:parameter", "myParam");
Laurent LA Asselborn
Original Message:
Sent: Mon February 24, 2025 07:23 AM
From: Narayan Verma
Subject: Getting the original URL that triggered the step-up authentication
Is this the code that needs to go in my mapping rule? Also, how do I get the dynamic value of URL from the querystring in my mapping rule code?
Original Message:
Sent: Mon February 24, 2025 07:07 AM
From: Laurent LA Asselborn
Subject: Getting the original URL that triggered the step-up authentication
Hi Naryayan,
To set a macro in an infomap you have to insert code like this:
var url="https://...."
macros.put("@URL@", url);
By default, certain characters will be escaped.
If you don't want them to be escaped, you have to define your macro in the advanced property sps.page.notEscapedMacros
Kind regards
Laurent LA Asselborn
Original Message:
Sent: Mon February 24, 2025 06:49 AM
From: Narayan Verma
Subject: Getting the original URL that triggered the step-up authentication
I actually got the URL part working and received URL and AUTHNLEVEL in the query string e.g. &URL=%2Ficons%2FHRMISMain.gif&AUTHNLEVEL=4 by uncommenting URL and AUTHNLEVEL macros in the [local-response-macros] stanza. My next question is how do I access these values as macros in the template? When I use @URL@ or @AUTHNLEVEL@ in the template they are still blank.
Original Message:
Sent: Mon February 24, 2025 06:20 AM
From: Narayan Verma
Subject: Getting the original URL that triggered the step-up authentication
Hi Andre, In my case I only see the TAM_OP=stepup querystring parameter but not the URL part. Is it governed by any configuration entry?
Original Message:
Sent: Mon February 24, 2025 03:09 AM
From: André Leruitte
Subject: Getting the original URL that triggered the step-up authentication
Hi Narayan,
When the user will be redirect to the LRR-uri, ISVA should automatically add a "URL" query param that will contain the original path:
André Leruitte
Security Architect
POST Luxembourg
Original Message:
Sent: Sun February 23, 2025 09:14 PM
From: Narayan Verma
Subject: Getting the original URL that triggered the step-up authentication
I have an InfoMap mapping rule and template that is used inside an InfoMap policy. That policy is used for internal response-redirect in reverse proxy config file to process the step-up authentication. Is there a way to capture the original URL that triggered the step-up authentication? E.g.
/objectA - requires level 2 pop
/objectB - requires level 3 pop
reverse proxy entry:
enable-local-response-redirect = yes
local-response-redirect-uri = [stepup] /mga/sps/authsvc/policy/myInfoMapPolicy
How can I access the original path (/objectA vs objectB) in my template or mapping rule that supports myInfoMapPolicy? Is there a macro available (please share a sample) or any other techniques for getting this runtime value?