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  • 1.  Directory Integrator - suggestions for documenting an assemblyline

    Posted 18 days ago
    Edited by Frank Tate 18 days ago

    I am looking for suggestions on how to document an assemblyline in detail to include in project deliverables. The assemblylines I'm working with are pretty complex, and I can't think of any easy way to document their detailed behavior. I definitely need something better than the common "puzzle piece" visuals from the documentation, since there are literally hundreds of custom scripts involved. 

    I am currently playing around with flowcharts, but that's getting out of hand pretty quickly. I'm thinking I may just record a screenshare video to descibe each piece as I walk through it.



    Frank Tate
    Gulfsoft Consulting
    AIOps Experts. Contact us for implementation help.

  • 2.  RE: Directory Integrator - suggestions for documenting an assemblyline

    Posted 17 days ago

    I have used to graphviz to "dump" the ISVG IM/ISIM workflows to static html making it possible easily get an overvieew of all workflows. I think a similar approach for ISVDI/SDI  would be a good idea - that would basically be graphical version of the SDI AL reports. 

    That said is only a way of making the ALs readable "offline" - it does not solve any knowledge problems. I had a very significant eye opener in my IT youth working in the IBM backoffice (SW Manufacturing in Copenhagen) - in the late 1980's is was discussed whether our IT department should be ISO 9000 certified which require a lot of work on documentation. The senior architect team held a room with all the (mainframe based) documentation but after a while they found out that only the 4 binders holding their target architecture was really of value - that describer the PURPOSE and HOW the process SHOULD work - not how it was implemented - their realization was that most documentation was only valuable in the projects creating it - 5 minutes after it was anyhow not up to date and in most cases the bugs could anyhow only be found and validated by looking in the code and compare to the way it SHOULD work....

    So - when talking documentation it is the WHY that is important - the HOW should normally be obvious from the code/implementation which is also why I always teach people to code their things in a simple readable manner - avoid "smart" algorithms/code/oneliners that only you understand - most code the basic algorithm is responsible for  performance/scalability/security - no need to complicate thinks because you code something in one line if a simple if/then is more readable...

    I know this is a rather long answer with no solution - but I hope it gives you some valuable about what you need  to focus on...

    And if I had 48 hours a day I would probably code a graphviz AL and publish it.....  

    Franz Wolfhagen
    WW IAM Solution Engineer - Certified Consulting IT Specialist
    IBM Security Expert Labs

  • 3.  RE: Directory Integrator - suggestions for documenting an assemblyline

    Posted 17 days ago

    Thank you for the reply, Franz. 

    I completely agree with everything you said about the WHY, and I am absolutely including that in my documentation. Graphviz looks like it could be useful, but would require a whole lot more work than I have time for. 

    For now, I'm planning to create an HTML file that has a picture of the AssemblyLine navigator, with a link defined for each component that opens a short video describing that component. I plan for this to be a snapshot in time of the deliverable I produce for this project. I don't see a seamless way to update this for ongoing changes (one would have to recreate the related videos and update the links), but this will be better than currently exists.


    Frank Tate
    Gulfsoft Consulting
    AIOps Experts. Contact us for implementation help.

  • 4.  RE: Directory Integrator - suggestions for documenting an assemblyline

    Posted 16 days ago

    And thank you Franz for pointing me to the SDI AssemblyLine Reports. They're not perfect (they put hooks in alphabetical order, the formatting is a little off in places, etc.), but they're a very, very good place to start.

    Frank Tate
    Gulfsoft Consulting
    AIOps Experts. Contact us for implementation help.

  • 5.  RE: Directory Integrator - suggestions for documenting an assemblyline

    Posted 16 days ago

    That is probably a thing that could be easily solvable as the reports are "just" xsl transforms to xHTML.

    You can try with a case or Idea if you feel for it to get it resolved. 

    Franz Wolfhagen
    WW IAM Solution Engineer - Certified Consulting IT Specialist
    IBM Security Expert Labs

  • 6.  RE: Directory Integrator - suggestions for documenting an assemblyline

    Posted 16 days ago

    How do you go about generating these reports from an assembly line?

    Jordan Boncz

  • 7.  RE: Directory Integrator - suggestions for documenting an assemblyline

    Posted 16 days ago

    Right click an Assemblyline and select "Create Assemblyline Report" from the context menu - it is the last option in the first section :-) 

    Franz Wolfhagen
    WW IAM Solution Engineer - Certified Consulting IT Specialist
    IBM Security Expert Labs

  • 8.  RE: Directory Integrator - suggestions for documenting an assemblyline

    Posted 16 days ago

    Thanks Franz! Never noticed that menu, the reports leave much to be desired but a good resource nonetheless.

    Jordan Boncz

  • 9.  RE: Directory Integrator - suggestions for documenting an assemblyline

    Posted 17 hours ago

    Thanks a ton for your help, Franz. I just want to add some information for anyone who stumbles across this link.

    The issue is the "Assemblyline Overview" report isn't an XSL file. That one is an XML file that I'm gussing is processed by some custom Java. Some may argue that simply hand-editing the resulting HTML file is easier than modifying XSL, so maybe that's not a big issue :)

    A reason one might want to hand-edit the HTML file is that several of the elements are placed in alphabetical order (as they are in the raw XML for the AL), which places them incorrectly for the order of the actual flow. For example, "epilog" for the AL is the first element, though it's the last to execute.

    Due to the above, and the fact that the ALs I'm dealing with have a LOT of code in them including tons of global variables, etc., I broke down and manually created flow diagrams for them in After going through that process, I think it really was the only way to go in this particular case. The included report capabilities are awesome, but I needed something that I could present to and discuss with a group of business (rather than technical) stakeholders.

    Truly, thank you again for your assistance and for contributing to this community. It is very much appreciated.


    Frank Tate
    Gulfsoft Consulting
    AIOps Experts. Contact us for implementation help.

  • 10.  RE: Directory Integrator - suggestions for documenting an assemblyline

    Posted 15 hours ago

    Get a case out to IBM support - if the HTML is generated by code it should not be sorted - if it is done by an xsl transformation it should be fairly simple to fix also :-) 

    And thanks for the nice words - I am doing my best to help and improve our IAM products - so one objective I have here is to try to make the UG a living community - by the number of questions coming it seems that we are improving....

    Franz Wolfhagen
    WW IAM Solution Engineer - Certified Consulting IT Specialist
    IBM Security Expert Labs