The distribution referred to could be an app, a policy or a compliance rule.
You can see this in one location: Users > Groups.
Beside the group name you will see the active distributions.
For apps just to go to Catalog and stop the distribution to that group (may leave distributions to other active groups).
For policies and rules go to the group name in User/Groups, click on More, and choose Change Policy or Change Rule.
Clicking the " - " minus sign to the right of the current assigned rule or policy will remove it, just save the change.
This should be done for all distributions to the group.
You should then be able to disable or delete the group as appropriate; note this applies equally to Device Groups.
Eamonn O'Mahony
Technical Account Manager
IBM Ireland
Original Message:
Sent: Fri January 31, 2020 03:16 PM
From: Joseph Hays
Subject: Deleting User group
I am currently in the same situation. Can you expand on how you removed the active policy from the group? I have combed through the portal, but it certainly isn't intuitive.
Joseph Hays
Original Message:
Sent: Mon July 30, 2018 04:05 PM
From: Wilfredo Lozano III
Subject: Deleting User group
Needed to remove an active policy before the User Group could be removed.
Thanks for the quick response Michael.
Wilfredo Lozano III
Original Message:
Sent: 07-30-2018 15:47
From: Wilfredo Lozano III
Subject: Deleting User group
Unable to delete a User grouping that is no longer active, when deleting I get the message This group cannot be deleted because there are active distributions for it. There are no active devices in this group.

Wilfredo Lozano III