I am setting up ISIM as a primary node, and DB2 configuration keeps failing with the following error, seen in the trace file:
WASX7017E: Exception received while running file "/opt/IBM/isim/bin/unix/dbSSLConfig.py"; exception information: com.ibm.ws.scripting.ScriptingException: WASX7025E: Error found in String "{_Websphere_Config_Data_Display_Name=sslConnection(cells/isimCell/clusters/ISIMVa_Application_Cluster|resources.xml#J2EEResourceProperty_1651742460746)
sslConnection, _Websphere_Config_Data_Id=cells/isimCell/nodes/isimNode/servers/ISIMVa_APP_MEMBER|resources.xml#J2EEResourceProperty_1651739562159}"; cannot create ObjectName.
So, eventhough it is able to create the tables and all (the operations are shown as successful in the logs), the configuration eventually fails, because of the above error, and I cannot proceed with the setup any further.
Has anyone experienced a similar problem, and if yes what steps have been taken to resolve it?