IBM MaaS360

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  • 1.  Call Forwarding

    Posted 3 days ago


    Looking for some direction. I recently had an issue where I needed to forward an employee's cell phone number to another employees phone, however, I could not find anywhere to do it in MaaS360. Is this possible? I can do most anything else with the phone as the MDM Administrator but not this. I reached out to our AT&T provider and they weren't able to do it without the physical phone being present. 

    Any help would be greatly appreciated


    Scott Connors

  • 2.  RE: Call Forwarding

    Posted yesterday

    Good Morning:
    Forwarding a phone number without the actual device in hand is only accomplished by accessing your Company's ATT Business Portal.  Unfortunately you received bad information from ATT. 


    If your company in fact has a business account with an ATT Business portal, it is quite easy to do this.  MaaS360 does not provide this functionality. 




    Mitch Lauer

    Sr. Management Consultant

    Business Development,

    Technology and Security

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