IBM Security MaaS360

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  • 1.  Apple has done it again. App updates not working

    IBM Champion
    Posted Wed April 10, 2024 05:34 PM

    It appears that Apple is tinkering with the Apple Business Manager and has broken some significant functionality.  I have numerous customers using a particular managed app from the App store, tied to ABM and the app will not simply update.  Right now here is the workflow:
    Replace the VPP and DEP tokens | Delete the app (after ensuring it won't be removed from enrolled devices due to any distribution rules you have set) | Re-install the app | Set distribution again. 


    Simply put, allowing or disallowing auto updates do not work and right now updates are not being delivered to the MaaS360 App Catalogue in the dashboard or to the devices if you want the app to update.




    Mitch Lauer

    Sr. Management Consultant

    connecTel  Wireless              

    216-970-6981 | Cell-US           416-801-3127 | Cell-Canada  

    412-339-5775 | Help Desk      412-339-5765 | Direct Dial


  • 2.  RE: Apple has done it again. App updates not working

    Posted Thu April 11, 2024 04:05 AM

    I've just checked here (in UK). Refreshed an iOS VPP app and it updated in the portal OK. 

    Andy Flatman

  • 3.  RE: Apple has done it again. App updates not working

    Posted Thu April 11, 2024 07:23 AM

    Hi Mitch 

    Has a Support ticket been opened for this? If not and you could create one that would be great. 

    The Product Manager has proposed that Development team become aware of this so that if there is a generalised issue they can discuss with Apple. 

    Support ticket will lead to Development ticket if normal actions do not succeed (as have been proposed below). 


    Eamonn O'Mahony
    Client Success Manager
    IBM Security
    Dublin, Ireland

  • 4.  RE: Apple has done it again. App updates not working

    IBM Champion
    Posted Thu April 11, 2024 12:16 PM

    Here is the ticket: Case created - TS015967505

    Case Title


    ABM issues preventing new App versions identified in MaaS Dashboard-app catalogue


    Case Description


    It appears Apple has broken something related to the Apple Business Manager in general. This is not specific to this particular portal referenced in this ticket.

    The ObservSMART app was updated to a new version yesterday in the App Store and this info is not appearing in the MaaS Dashboard/App Catalogue nor being delivered to devices.

    The app has been installed using the ABM and is a managed app.

    I have found the only way to remediate this is to do the following:
    1. Replace VPP and DEP Token
    2. Delete app from the App Catalogue ensuring config is set not to remove the app from enrolled devices.
    3. Re-install the app and set distribution.

    Given that we manage 150 Clients and their ABM's you can see this is a serious issue.





    Mitch Lauer

    Sr. Management Consultant

    connecTel  Wireless              

    216-970-6981 | Cell-US           416-801-3127 | Cell-Canada  

    412-339-5775 | Help Desk      412-339-5765 | Direct Dial


  • 5.  RE: Apple has done it again. App updates not working

    Posted Fri May 24, 2024 07:42 AM
    Edited by amelia smith Tue May 28, 2024 11:00 AM

    It seems Apple is making changes to ABM that are causing problems with managed app updates. Hopefully, they'll address this soon with a fix.

    • Current Workaround: There is a cumbersome workaround for now:

      1. Replace VPP and DEP tokens.
      2. Delete the app (ensure it won't be removed from devices due to distribution rules).
      3. Re-install the app.
      4. Set distribution again.
    • Auto-Updates Not Working: Unfortunately, allowing or disallowing auto-updates in ABM currently has no effect. Updates aren't being delivered to MaaS360 or the devices.

    Alternative (if applicable):

    • Scarlet (iOS only): For some users, a third-party app installer like Scarlet (be aware it's not an Apple-approved solution) might be an option to manage certificates and potentially update apps. This should be a last resort and used with caution, as it can introduce security risks.

    amelia smith

  • 6.  RE: Apple has done it again. App updates not working

    IBM Champion
    Posted Fri May 24, 2024 08:04 AM

    Amelia, I feel your frustration!   I can add to this by saying, creating a new consumer level Apple ID either on a device or at is also broken.  I have numerous customers going crazy with this one. When discussing this directly with Apple Support, they are taking zero responsibility for any of this. 




    Mitch Lauer

    Sr. Management Consultant

    connecTel  Wireless              

    216-970-6981 | Cell-US           416-801-3127 | Cell-Canada  

    412-339-5775 | Help Desk      412-339-5765 | Direct Dial