I am new to IBM SOAR and I am trying to run a demo using the Virus Total predefined playbook.
I need to add a condition point that looks into the vt_scan_results and returns True if 'malicious' is greater than 0 and returns False if ('malicious': 0)
If the result is True I will write the artifact value to a reference set on Qradar else go to the endpoint
The predefined function and scripts are as below:
typeLookup = { 'Email Attachment': 'file', 'Malware Sample': 'file', 'Malware MD5 Hash': 'hash', 'Malware SHA-1 Hash': 'hash', 'Malware SHA-256 Hash': 'hash', 'Other File': 'file', 'RCF 822 Email Message File': 'file', 'File Name': 'filename',
'URL': 'url', 'IP Address': 'ip', 'DNS Name':'domain'}
if artifact.type in typeLookup:
inputs.vt_type = typeLookup.get(artifact.type, artifact.type)
inputs.vt_type = artifact.type
inputs.incident_id =
inputs.artifact_id =
inputs.vt_data = artifact.value
import datetime
import json
results = playbook.functions.results.vt_scan_results
# Uncomment the following 2 lines to have the results json printed formatted to a note.
#pretty_results = json.dumps(results, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
#incident.addNote(helper.createRichText(u"<p>VirusTotal scan of {0}: {1} with artifact_id: {2}</p><div>{3}</div>".format(artifact.type, artifact.value,, pretty_results)))
msg = u"<p>VirusTotal scan of {0}: <b>{1}</b> with artifact_id: {2}</p>".format(artifact.type, artifact.value,
scan = results.get("scan", {})
if not scan:
raise Exception("No scan data returned VirusTotal scan {0}: {1} with artifact_id: {2}".format(artifact.type, artifact.value,
data = scan.get("data", {})
scan_error = scan.get("error", {})
if scan_error:
msg = "{0}Error returned: {1}".format(msg, scan_error)"Error returned from VirusTotal scan {0}: {1}: {2}".format(artifact.type, artifact.value, scan_error))
stats = {}
attributes = {}
if data:
attributes = data.get("attributes", {})
if attributes:
# If this a report the stats are in last_analysis_stats otherwise they are in stats
stats = attributes.get("last_analysis_stats", {})
if stats == {}:
stats = attributes.get("stats", {})
# Write statistics to the note
for k,v in stats.items():
if k.lower() == "malicious":
msg = "{0}{1}: <span style='color:red'>{2}</span><br>".format(msg, k, v)
msg = "{0}{1}: {2}<br>".format(msg, k, v)
# Write the last analysis time to the note
last_analysis_date = attributes.get("last_analysis_date", None)
if last_analysis_date:
last_analysis_date_str = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(last_analysis_date).strftime('%Y-%b-%d %H:%M:%S')
msg = "{0}<br>Last analysis date: {1}".format(msg, last_analysis_date_str)
# Add VirusTotal Report link to the note
if data:
uriLookup = { 'Email Attachment': 'file',
'Malware Sample': 'file',
'Malware MD5 Hash': 'file',
'Malware SHA-1 Hash': 'file',
'Malware SHA-256 Hash': 'file',
'Other File': 'file',
'RCF 822 Email Message File': 'file',
'File Name': 'file',
'URL': 'url',
'IP Address': 'ip-address',
'DNS Name':'domain'}
uri_fragment = uriLookup.get(artifact.type, None)
vt_id = data.get("id", None)
if vt_id and uri_fragment:
link_back = "<a href='{0}/{1}/{2}'>VirusTotal Report</a>".format(VIRUSTOTAL_GUI_URL, uri_fragment, vt_id)
msg = "{0}<br>{1}".format(msg, link_back)
if not stats:
msg = "{0}No stats returned from scan {1}: {2} with artifact_id: {3}".format(msg, artifact.type, artifact.value,
# Create artifacts from results
last_http_response_content_sha256 = attributes.get("last_http_response_content_sha256", None)
if last_http_response_content_sha256:
incident.addArtifact('Malware SHA-256 Hash', last_http_response_content_sha256, "Created by VirusTotal scan of artifact type: {0} value: {1} artifact_id: {2}".format(artifact.type, artifact.value,
sha256 = attributes.get("sha256", None)
if sha256:
incident.addArtifact('Malware SHA-256 Hash', sha256, "Created by VirusTotal scan of artifact type: {0} value: {1} artifact_id: {2}".format(artifact.type, artifact.value,
md5 = attributes.get("md5", None)
if md5:
incident.addArtifact('Malware MD5 Hash', md5, "Created by VirusTotal scan of artifact type: {0} value: {1} artifact_id: {2}".format(artifact.type, artifact.value,
sha1 = attributes.get("sha1", None)
if sha1:
incident.addArtifact('Malware SHA-1 Hash', sha1, "Created by VirusTotal scan of artifact type: {0} value: {1} artifact_id: {2}".format(artifact.type, artifact.value,
I need to have the below playbook:
Any hints on what could be the first condition script in order to get the IP address written to a reference set
Nabil Nehme