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IBM Champion Spotlight: Herwig Thyssens

By Wendy Batten posted Mon July 10, 2023 10:19 AM


IBM Champion Herwig Thyssens

We will be spotlighting our Security Champions monthly on our community to bring their amazing expertise to our members.

This week, meet IBM Champion Herwig Thyssens. He's a Director for Deloitte Consulting and Risk Advisory (EMEA) and contributes to our Mainframe modernization & Security technology areas. His favorite IBM product is RACF, because "[it is the]Best security in the world".  Herwig is new to our program and has been an IBM Champion for 1 year and his favorite type of advocacy to perform is speaking, which he does as a lecturer at his local university.

His motivation for becoming an IBM Champion, "IBM is the fundamental of FSI transactions & processing (globally). [The banking & FSI industry is required to meet strict compliance and governance laws to protect customer information and sensitive transactions. They also need to conduct their daily business efficiently, cost-competitively, while providing excellent customer service.]

One thing Herwig is proud of is the legacy of coaching a real garbage man to become an expert in cryptology processes. This was one of my favorite tidbits! If Herwig didn't work in technology, he would be a blacksmith, which he does as a hobby.

Lightning round:

  • What would be your superpower and why? Healing people; always good
  • Ice cream or cake?  Ice cream
  • Cats or dogs?  Both, but a little more dogs
  • Summer or winter? Winter
  • Morning or evening? Both
  • eBook or paper book? Paper
  • TV shows or movies?  Streaming
  • A night out or a night in?  Out
  • Cannonball into the pool or dip a toe in first?  Cannonball from a cliff
  • Go-to karaoke song?  The lion sleeps tonight (would be cruel & unhuman punishment for the audience)
  • Drive or fly?  Train



