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QRadar Community Editon 7.5 | dark mode | Analyst Workflow UI

By Ralph Belfiore posted Fri July 19, 2024 08:43 AM


Hello everyone,

many of you are probably already running the latest QRadar CE 7.5 with UP8. If not, maybe here a preview to do so :)

Home-Lab or Mobile-Lab

In my case I use a Macbook Pro and Vmware Fusion. For years a reliable combination to have QRadar SIEM Security mobile with me, for testing, practicing or creating use cases :)

Prepared & Independend

For me it is also important to be able to demonstrate functions and features that make up QRadar SIEM at any time. And i have always the opportunity to educate myself anytime or anywhere! If this is a good impulse “for you” at this point, here is a link with all the details and preparation for an easy installation and entry into QRadar SIEM Security:

Starting Point

IBM Security QRadar CE 101


Good to know

The great thing about this QRadar 7.5 CE Release is that Update Packages can also be applied. Like for example the current UP9, which activates the “dark mode” by default. In addition, current apps can now also be installed and tested, such as the “New UI”, the IBM Security Analyst Workflow.

Download at Fixcentral:

Modern UI - check it out!

A good opportunity to take a look at a modern and innovative user interface for SOC analysts; and how quickly a “simple” selection can display the view of the main movement tracks in focus at a central point!

IBM Security QRadar Analyst Workflow - New UI

Dark Mode - the force will be with you!

So yesterday my goal for the day was to set up the UP9 in my QRadar CE instance! Here is the result :) 

QRadar CE 7.5 with dark mode

The login Page in a new fresh look :)

Classic Dashboard refreshed | has been given a new coat of paint!

Classic Dashboard Design with dark mode


With this option and the fact that there is a license renewal for the QRadar CE installation every 3 months, I have a great and cost-neutral way for me and my team to test, level up hands-on, learn or try new things and learn more about the architecture of QRadar!

Many thanks to @Shivam Sharma, @Chaitanya Challa and all of the team! #IBMChampion#IBMQRadar#IBMSecurity




Wed July 24, 2024 05:27 AM

I continue to benefit from Ralph's experience. Thank you...))

Mon July 22, 2024 07:27 AM

Glad to hear you are utilising Community Edition to the best along with your team! Thank you for sharing your experience.