IBM Security MaaS360

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Partner Onboarding to MaaS360: Unlocking Efficiency and Security

By Nishikant Behera posted Tue February 27, 2024 01:09 PM


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In today's digital landscape, the need for centralized endpoint management and robust cybersecurity measures has never been more critical. Organizations are navigating the challenges of remote work, increasing cyber threats, and the demand for seamless user experiences. Partnering with IBM Security® MaaS360® offers a solution that addresses these challenges head-on, empowering organizations to efficiently manage endpoints, mitigate cyber threats, and optimize total cost of ownership. In this blog post, we'll explore the benefits of becoming a MaaS360 partner and outline the simple steps to join the ecosystem.

Why Become a Partner?

In the era of "work-from-everywhere," organizations are seeking solutions that streamline endpoint management, enhance user experiences, and bolster cybersecurity defences. Partnering with MaaS360 enables clients to achieve these objectives by:

1. Efficient Endpoint Management: MaaS360 allows organizations to centrally manage any existing endpoints, including mobile devices, laptops, and IoT devices, from a single console. This centralized approach streamlines device provisioning, policy enforcement, and software distribution, reducing administrative overhead and enhancing operational efficiency.

2. Built-in Threat Management: MaaS360 integrates robust threat management capabilities, helping organizations safeguard their endpoints against evolving cyber threats. With features such as malware detection, phishing protection, and real-time threat intelligence, MaaS360 empowers organizations to proactively identify and mitigate security risks, protecting sensitive data and maintaining compliance.

3. Frictionless User Experiences: MaaS360 prioritizes user experience, offering a seamless and intuitive interface that simplifies device enrollment, application access, and policy compliance. By providing a frictionless user experience, MaaS360 enhances productivity, reduces support overhead, and fosters user satisfaction across the organization.

4. Low Total Cost of Ownership: MaaS360 is designed to deliver maximum value with minimal investment. By offering flexible licensing options, scalable deployment models, and integrated management features, MaaS360 helps organizations optimize their total cost of ownership, ensuring a high return on investment.

How to Become a Partner:

Becoming a partner with MaaS360 is a straightforward process that offers multiple entry points:

1. Contact Support Team: Organizations can reach out to the MaaS360 support team for personalized assistance and guidance on becoming a partner. The support team can provide information on program requirements, benefits, and next steps to kickstart the partnership journey. click here

2. Online Signup: Alternatively, organizations can sign up to become a partner directly through the IBM website. By completing a simple registration form, organizations gain access to a wealth of resources, training materials, and marketing collateral to support their partnership with MaaS360. click here

A. Creating Sub-Partners in MaaS360

In the ever-expanding ecosystem of IBM Security® MaaS360®, empowering partners to scale their business and extend their reach is paramount. With the ability to create sub-partners, organizations can foster collaboration, drive innovation, and expand their market presence. In this blog post, we'll explore the process of creating sub-partners in MaaS360, unlocking new opportunities for growth and collaboration within the partner network.

Enabling Sub-Partner Functionality:

Before organizations can create sub-partners in MaaS360, it's essential to ensure that the functionality is enabled. To enable sub-partner functionality, organizations can contact the MaaS360 support team for assistance. Once the functionality is activated, organizations can proceed with creating sub-partners following the steps outlined below.

Steps to Create a Sub-Partner:

1. Contact Support: Begin by contacting the MaaS360 support team to enable the sub-partner functionality for your organization. The support team will assist you in activating this feature and guide the next steps.

2. Navigate to the Accounts Page: Once the sub-partner functionality is enabled, navigate to the Accounts page within the MaaS360 portal. The Accounts page serves as the central hub for managing partner relationships and account details.

3. Add Partner: On the Accounts page, locate the option to add a new partner and click on it. This will open a form where you can enter the mandatory details for the sub-partner, including their name, contact information, and any additional relevant details.

4. Fill in Mandatory Details: Fill out all mandatory details for the sub-partner, ensuring accuracy and completeness. This may include the sub-partner's organization name, address, primary contact person, and specific requirements or preferences.

5. Click Add Button: Once all mandatory details are filled out, click on the "Add" button to create the sub-partner within the MaaS360 ecosystem. The sub-partner will be added to your partner network upon successful creation, enabling collaboration and joint opportunities.

Unlocking Growth Opportunities:

By creating sub-partners in MaaS360, organizations can unlock new growth opportunities and expand their market reach. Sub-partnerships enable collaboration, resource sharing, and joint sales efforts, fostering mutual success and driving business growth within the MaaS360 partner network.

B. Partner can seamlessly Onboarding Customers: Creating Trial/Customer Accounts in MaaS360

In the rapidly evolving landscape of mobile device management, providing customers with seamless onboarding experiences is essential for driving adoption and satisfaction. IBM Security® MaaS360® offers a streamlined process for creating trial and customer accounts, enabling organizations to quickly deploy and manage their MaaS360 instances. In this blog post, we'll walk through the steps to create trial and customer accounts in MaaS360, empowering organizations to deliver value to their clients from day one.

Steps to Create Trial/Customer Accounts:

1. Navigate to the Accounts Page: Begin by logging into the MaaS360 portal and navigating to the Accounts page. The Accounts page serves as the central hub for managing customer accounts, trials, and partner relationships.

2. Click on Add Customer: On the Accounts page, locate the option to add a new customer and click on it. This will open a form where you can enter the necessary details to create a trial or customer account.

3. Select Account Type: In the add customer form, select the appropriate account type based on the customer's requirements. This may include options such as trial account, standard customer account, or enterprise account, depending on the organization's needs.

4. Fill in Mandatory Details: Fill out all mandatory details for the customer account, ensuring accuracy and completeness. This may include the customer's organization name, contact information, and any specific requirements or preferences.

5. Click the Add Button: Once all mandatory details are filled out, click on the "Add" button to create the trial or customer account in MaaS360. Upon successful creation, the account will be provisioned, and the customer will receive access to their MaaS360 instance.

Delivering Value from Day One:

By streamlining the process of creating trial and customer accounts, MaaS360 enables organizations to deliver value to their clients from day one. Whether organizations are offering trial accounts to prospective customers or provisioning full-fledged customer accounts, MaaS360 ensures a seamless onboarding experience that sets the stage for long-term success.

C. Partner can seamlessly extend Trial Accounts in MaaS360

In the realm of mobile device management, providing organizations with ample time to evaluate and experience the full capabilities of a solution is essential for driving adoption and satisfaction. IBM Security® MaaS360® offers a hassle-free process for extending trial accounts, enabling organizations to continue their evaluation and make informed decisions. In this blog post, we'll explore the steps to extend trial accounts in MaaS360, ensuring organizations have the time they need to fully assess the platform's capabilities.

Steps to Extend Trial Accounts:

1. Navigate to the Accounts Page: Begin by logging into the MaaS360 portal and navigating to the Accounts page. The Accounts page serves as the central hub for managing customer accounts, trials, and partner relationships.

2. Search for Trial/Expired Account: On the Accounts page, use the search functionality to locate the trial or expired account that needs to be extended. Filter the accounts based on their trial status or expiration date to quickly identify the relevant account.

3. Click on the Extend Button: Once the trial or expired account is identified, click on the "Extend" button next to the account. This will initiate the process of extending the trial period, allowing the organization to continue evaluating MaaS360 without interruption.

4. Specify Extension Duration: In the extension form, specify the duration for which the trial account should be extended. This may include options such as a few additional days, weeks, or even months, depending on the organization's needs and preferences.

5. Confirm Extension: After specifying the extension duration, review the details and confirm the extension by clicking on the appropriate button. Once confirmed, the trial account will be extended, and the organization will have continued access to MaaS360.

Empowering Evaluation and Decision-Making:

By offering the flexibility to extend trial accounts, MaaS360 empowers organizations to thoroughly evaluate the platform and make informed decisions. Whether organizations need more time to explore specific features, conduct additional testing, or gather feedback from stakeholders, extending trial accounts ensures they have the time they need to assess the platform's suitability for their needs.

D. Partner can Convertin Trial Accounts to Customer Accounts in MaaS360

Transitioning from a trial to a full-fledged customer account is a pivotal step in the adoption journey of any technology solution. IBM Security® MaaS360® offers a seamless process for converting trial accounts to customer accounts, enabling organizations to smoothly transition from evaluation to full deployment. In this blog post, we'll walk through the steps to convert trial accounts to customer accounts in MaaS360, ensuring organizations can seamlessly continue their mobile device management journey.

Converting Trial Accounts to Customer Accounts (Non-SSM Accounts):

1. Navigate to the Accounts Page: Begin by logging into the MaaS360 portal and navigating to the Accounts page. This page serves as the central hub for managing customer accounts, trials, and partner relationships.

2. Search for Trial Account: On the Accounts page, use the search functionality to locate the trial account that needs to be converted to a customer account. Filter the accounts based on their trial status to quickly identify the relevant account.

3. Hover Over "More" Link: Once the trial account is identified, hover over the "More" link next to the account. This will reveal additional options for managing the account.

4. Click on the Convert Button: From the dropdown menu that appears, click on the "Convert" button. This action will initiate the process of converting the trial account to a customer account.

5. Confirm Conversion: After clicking on the "Convert" button, a confirmation prompt may appear asking for confirmation to convert the trial account to a customer account. Review the details and confirm the conversion.

6. Update Account Details: Once the trial account is successfully converted to a customer account, update any necessary account details such as billing information, subscription plans, and user permissions to reflect the new customer status.

Empowering Seamless Transition:

By offering a straightforward process for converting trial accounts to customer accounts, MaaS360 empowers organizations to seamlessly transition from evaluation to full deployment. This streamlined process minimizes administrative overhead and ensures continuity in mobile device management operations.

E.Managing Trial Accounts: How to Expire Trial Accounts in MaaS360

As organizations evaluate mobile device management solutions, it's essential to have mechanisms in place for managing trial accounts effectively. IBM Security® MaaS360® offers a straightforward process for expiring trial accounts, enabling organizations to manage their trial periods efficiently. In this blog post, we'll explore the steps to expire trial accounts in MaaS360, ensuring organizations can maintain control over their trial evaluations.

Expiring Trial Accounts:

1. Navigate to the Accounts Page: Start by logging into the MaaS360 portal and navigating to the Accounts page. This page serves as the central hub for managing customer accounts, trials, and partner relationships.

2. Search for Trial Account: Use the search functionality on the Accounts page to locate the trial account that needs to be expired. Filter the accounts based on their trial status to quickly identify the relevant account.

3. Select Trial Account: Once the trial account is identified, click on it to select it. This action will open the account details, allowing you to view additional information and perform actions related to the account.

4. Click on the Expire Button: Within the account details view, locate the "Expire" button or option. Click on this button to initiate the process of expiring the trial account.

5. Confirm Expiration: After clicking on the "Expire" button, a confirmation prompt may appear asking for confirmation to expire the trial account. Review the details and confirm the expiration to proceed.

6. Update Account Status: Once the trial account has successfully expired, update any necessary account details or statuses to reflect the expired status. This may include updating billing information, subscription plans, and user permissions as needed.

Benefits of Expiring Trial Accounts:

- Resource Management: Expiring trial accounts help organizations manage their resources more effectively by freeing up licenses and resources for other purposes.

- Compliance: Expiring trial accounts ensure compliance with trial terms and conditions, preventing unauthorized use of trial resources beyond the designated trial period.

- Data Security: By expiring trial accounts promptly, organizations can mitigate security risks associated with prolonged access to trial resources, safeguarding sensitive data and information.

F. Empowering Partners: Managing Child Accounts in MaaS360

In the realm of mobile device management, effective management of customer accounts is essential for partners seeking to deliver value and support to their clients. IBM Security® MaaS360® offers robust capabilities for partners to manage child accounts seamlessly, enabling them to perform actions on behalf of their customers and drive mutual success. In this blog post, we'll explore how partners can manage child accounts from the Accounts page in MaaS360, empowering them to deliver exceptional service and support to their clients.

Managing Child Accounts:

1. Navigate to the Accounts Page: Start by logging into the MaaS360 portal and navigating to the Accounts page. This page serves as the central hub for managing customer accounts, trials, and partner relationships.

2. Search for Child Account: Utilize the search functionality on the Accounts page to locate the child account that needs to be managed. Filter the accounts based on their status or other relevant criteria to quickly identify the desired child account.

3. Select Child Account: Once the child account is identified, click on it to select it. This action will open the account details, allowing the partner to view additional information and perform actions on behalf of the customer.

4. Click on "Manage As" Option: Within the account details view, locate the "Manage As" option or button. Click on this option to initiate the process of managing the child account on behalf of the customer.

5. Perform Actions on Behalf of Customer: After clicking on the "Manage As" option, the partner will be able to perform actions on behalf of the customer, such as enabling/disabling services, managing enrollments, configuring policies, and more. This allows the partner to provide proactive support and deliver value-added services to their customers.

Benefits of Managing Child Accounts:

- Streamlined Support: Partners can provide seamless support to their customers by managing child accounts directly from the MaaS360 portal, eliminating the need for customers to perform actions themselves.

- Proactive Management: Partners can take a proactive approach to account management by monitoring usage, enforcing policies, and optimizing configurations on behalf of their customers.

- Enhanced Collaboration: Managing child accounts fosters collaboration between partners and customers, enabling partners to work closely with their customers to address their specific needs and requirements.

G. Enhancing Partner Operations: Exporting Customer Lists in MaaS360

In the realm of mobile device management, partners require access to comprehensive customer information to streamline operations and deliver exceptional service. IBM Security® MaaS360® offers robust capabilities for partners to export customer lists, enabling them to efficiently manage their client base and drive business growth. In this blog post, we'll explore how partners can export customer lists from MaaS360, empowering them with the insights needed to optimize their operations and deliver value to their clients.

Exporting Customer Lists:

1. Navigate to the Accounts Page: Begin by logging into the MaaS360 portal and navigating to the Accounts page. This page serves as the central hub for managing customer accounts, trials, and partner relationships.

2. Access Customer List: Once on the Accounts page, locate the option to access the customer list. This may be presented as a table or list view, displaying key information about each customer account.

3. Select Export Option: Look for the export option or button within the customer list view. This option is typically located near the top under more, after hovering you will get a label as "Export Customers.

4. Choose Export Format: After selecting the export option, choose the desired format for the exported customer list. MaaS360 typically offers options such as CSV (Comma-Separated Values) or Excel formats for exporting data.

5. Initiate Export: Once the export format is selected, initiate the export process by clicking on the corresponding button. Depending on the size of the customer list and the chosen format, the export process may take a few moments to complete.

Benefits of Exporting Customer Lists:

- Data Analysis: Partners can analyze customer data to identify trends, patterns, and opportunities for business growth.

- Targeted Marketing: Exported customer lists enable partners to tailor marketing efforts and campaigns to specific customer segments or demographics.

- Streamlined Operations: Access to comprehensive customer lists streamlines partner operations, enabling efficient management of client relationships and resources.

Sample Report:

H. Elevating Brand Identity: Customizing Branding for Child Accounts in MaaS360

In today's competitive landscape, establishing a strong brand identity is essential for partners looking to differentiate themselves and enhance their market presence. IBM Security® MaaS360® empowers partners to customize branding for their child accounts, allowing them to showcase their unique identity and deliver a cohesive brand experience to their clients. In this blog post, we'll explore how partners can customize branding for their child accounts in MaaS360, leveraging the platform's powerful customization capabilities to strengthen their brand image.

Customizing Branding for Child Accounts:

1. Navigate to Setup Tab: Start by logging into the MaaS360 portal and navigating to the Setup tab. This tab serves as the central hub for configuring various settings and preferences within the MaaS360 platform.

2. Access Branding Sub-Menu: Within the Setup tab, locate the branding sub-menu and click on it. This will take you to the branding page, where you can customize various aspects of the branding for your child accounts.

3. Customize Branding Elements: On the branding page, you'll find options to customize various branding elements, including:

   - MaaS360 portal logo: Upload your organization's logo to personalize the MaaS360 portal with your brand identity.

   - End User Portal Login page logo: Customize the login page for end users with your organization's logo to create a seamless brand experience.

   - IBM MaaS360 branding sender email address: Set a customized sender email address to ensure consistent branding in communication with end users.

   - Device enrollment page: Customize the enrollment page with your organization's branding to provide a branded experience to users during device setup. etc.

For more details please click here 

4. Save Changes: After customizing the branding elements to your preference, be sure to save your changes to apply them to your child's accounts effectively.

Benefits of Customized Branding:

- Enhanced Brand Visibility: Customized branding increases brand visibility and reinforces brand recognition among end users.

- Professional Image: A cohesive brand identity creates a professional image and instils confidence in clients and stakeholders.

- Differentiation: Custom branding sets partners apart from competitors and creates a unique brand experience for clients.

I. Empowering Business Partners: Essential Settings in MaaS360

Business partners play a vital role in the success of MaaS360 deployments, managing their partner accounts and assisting other partners in delivering exceptional service to clients. IBM Security® MaaS360® offers a range of configuration settings tailored specifically for business partners, enabling them to optimize their operations and enhance their partnership with MaaS360. In this blog post, we'll explore the essential settings available to business partners from the Settings page in MaaS360, empowering them to streamline their workflows and deliver maximum value to their clients.

Configuration Settings for Business Partners:

Business partners logged into a MaaS360 account can access the following configuration settings from the Settings page:

Benefits of Configuration Settings for Business Partners:

- Efficiency: Streamline partner operations and workflows by customizing settings to suit specific business requirements.

- Security: Implement robust security measures to protect partner accounts and sensitive data from unauthorized access and cyber threats.

- Collaboration: Enhance collaboration and communication among partner teams by configuring user permissions and notification preferences.

- Integration: Leverage integrations with third-party systems to automate tasks, improve data accuracy, and enhance productivity.

J. Enhancing Device Security: MaaS360 Security Policies Overview for Partners

In today's digital landscape, ensuring the security of mobile devices is paramount for organizations seeking to protect sensitive data and mitigate cyber threats. IBM Security® MaaS360® offers a comprehensive suite of security policies for iOS, Android, macOS, and Windows devices, enabling partners to enforce corporate security standards and safeguard corporate data effectively. In this blog post, we'll provide an overview of MaaS360's security policies for partners, highlighting key features and capabilities for securing devices across multiple platforms.

MaaS360 Security Policies Overview:

MaaS360 supports a range of security policies designed to address the diverse security needs of organizations and their devices. Partners can leverage these policies to enforce corporate security standards and ensure secure access to corporate data. The key types of security policies supported by MaaS360 include:

1. Mobile Device Management (MDM) Policy:

   - Purpose: The MDM policy enables administrators to control device-level features and settings to enforce security standards.

   - Examples: Administrators can disable certain device features, such as Siri on iOS devices, restrict access to sensitive settings menus on Android devices, enforce passcode requirements, and configure device encryption settings.

2. WorkPlace Persona Policy:

   - Purpose: The WorkPlace Persona policy allows administrators to configure settings specifically for native MaaS360 apps, enhancing security and usability.

   - Examples: Administrators can customize settings for native MaaS360 apps, such as disabling specific apps like the Doc Editor app, enforcing passcode requirements for accessing the Secure Browser, and configuring app-level security features.

Benefits of MaaS360 Security Policies for Partners:

- Compliance: Enforce compliance with corporate security policies and regulatory requirements across all managed devices.

- Data Protection: Safeguard sensitive corporate data by enforcing security measures such as device encryption and passcode requirements.

- Risk Mitigation: Mitigate security risks and vulnerabilities by controlling device-level features and restricting access to sensitive settings.


Partnering with IBM Security® MaaS360® offers organizations a strategic advantage in today's competitive landscape, enabling them to effectively manage endpoints, mitigate cyber threats, and enhance user experiences. By joining the MaaS360 partner ecosystem, organizations gain access to industry-leading technology, resources, and support to drive mutual success and deliver value to clients. Take the first step towards a successful partnership with MaaS360 and unlock new opportunities for growth and innovation in the digital era.

