The Kubernetes master API server logs will help us to detect several security threats, in this tutorial, we will go over the need steps to forward them to QRadar using the webhook option (Dynamic backend).
Kubernetes offer different ways to deliver its API logs, in the previous tutorial, we have seen how Kubernetes can be configured to store its logs to a local file, then to use a log forwarder utility like: syslog-ng or fluentd to read the logs from a local file and to forward them to QRadar.
In this blog, we will use the WebHook / AuditSink method (Dynamic backend), a seamless way to configure Kubernetes to push its API logs to a remote HTTP/HTTPs Receiver/listener, its easier to configure than the syslog option.
Configuration steps on QRadar side:
1) You will need to install the following parser extension:
This can be downloaded from the following X-Force collection
You can add it to QRadar from the admin tab -> Extension Management.
2) To create the Kubernetes log source, choose the log source type as Kubernetes Auditing:
Choose the protocol type to be: HTTP Receiver, as following:
For the protocol parameters:
log source identifier: can be any keyword, like: kube
Communication Type: I used HTTP, you can use HTTPs as well.
Listen port: I used 12469 but you can choose any port.
Message Pattern: [^\r\n]+ which will take the events line by line, as Kubernetes will push the events one by one, line by line.
After saving the log source, you need to deploy the changes.
QRadar will be listening on that port for any incoming HTTP connections.
Configuration steps on Kubernetes side:
To enable the dynamic auditing webhook / auditsink you need to add the following flags to the api-server config:
To enable the dynamic auditing webhook / auditsink you need to add the following flags to the api-server config:
vi /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-apiserver.yaml
- command:
- kube-apiserver
- --audit-dynamic-configuration
- --feature-gates=DynamicAuditing=true
Wait a few minutes until the api-server will start to use the new config, then you can deploy the following yaml file:
vi auditsink.yaml