The next step is to choose the instance type. The recommended instance type is m4.2xlarge or better, however for the purpose of this article I have chosen a lighter instance type.
The instance details page does not contain any ISAM specific options which need to be tuned.
The Add Storage page allows you to attach additional volumes to the AMI instance being created. The ISAM appliance AMI does not make use of any additional volumes so it is best to leave this as-is.
This page also allows you to (attempt to) resize the Root volume. The ISAM AMI Root volume should not be resized. The AMI is a pre-installed 100GB Virtual Appliance image (with ~50GB for the active and inactive firmware partitions) and any additional space will not be utilized.
The Review Instance Launch screen will show a summary of the configuration options selected. Click the blue “Launch” button to launch the instance.
You will be prompted to select a key pair for this instance. This key pair will be installed on the Virtual Appliance during deployment and will be the only way to access the appliance via SSH.
Now that the instance is launched, you will be returned to the EC2 Dashboard.
Take note of:
- The Instance ID, when the Virtual Appliance starts up this will be the initial password for the admin LMI user.
- The Public DNS address or Public IP (IPv4).
Within moments the ISAM appliance instance will be started and accessible.
The LMI is accessible via the Public DNS address or Public IP (IPv4) address in your browser. Use the default admin account to login, providing the EC2 generated instance ID (i-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) as the password.
The CLI is accessible via SSH using the default admin account and the keypair selected during deployment. Remember that password based authentication is disabled and that the keypair must be used while connecting via SSH.
Now that the Virtual Appliance is up and running, you can begin configuring and working with ISAM just as you would in any other environment.
Troubleshooting Deployment and Management Access Issues
If after a few moments you are still unable to access the appliance, double check that the security groups inbound rules correctly allow access from your IP address to port 443 (HTTPS for the LMI) or 22 (SSH for the CLI).
Remember that the default admin LMI account does not use the default credentials (admin:admin) like other ISAM Virtual Appliances and that the password is set to the instance ID generated by EC2 when the Virtual Appliance is launched.
If you are using SSH to access the CLI, password-based authentication is completely disabled, you must use the key pair specified during deployment to connect as the admin user.
Handling Upgrades
The Virtual Appliance can be updated using the same mechanisms as a standard ISAM deployment. Refer to the documentation for Licensing and Upgrades or the summary below.
- If a support license is installed, the Virtual Appliance can download update packages from the update server.
- The update package (.PKG file) provided by IBM can be manually uploaded and installed.
There is not an Amazon specific version of the update package, the same update packages used for all ISAM Appliances can also be used with Amazon deployed instances.
Similarly, interim fixes or any fixpack packages for ISAM provided by IBM can also be used on Amazon deployed instances.
As you can see, with the new ISAM AWS Marketplace offering it is now simpler and faster than ever before to get an ISAM Virtual Appliance up and running in EC2. If you have not previously considered running ISAM in EC2 due to the process required to manually create and upload an AMI, we hope you will find this new AWS Marketplace offering helpful.
If you have found this entry via a search engine and do not already use ISAM, you can use the following link to sign up for an instant 90-day trial license which will enable the complete set of ISAM functionality so you can evaluate what ISAM can do for your organisation:
IBM Security Access Manager Free Trial