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Become a customer-obsessed tester

By Jyoti Prakash Subudhi posted Mon October 30, 2023 12:07 PM


Becoming a customer-obsessed tester is to make sure that the product being created satisfies the requirements and standards of the target audience. It entails creating and running automated tests that mimic actual user scenarios and interactions.

Here are some essential guidelines and procedures for a customer-centered test automation strategy:

  1. Designing User-Centered Tests: User personas and user stories, which describe the usual traits, actions, and objectives of various user groups, are used to guide the design of tests. To verify the programme from the user's perspective, test cases are developed.
  2. Behavior-Driven Development (BDD): Developers, testers, and business stakeholders all work together in BDD to define the intended behaviour of the programme. Both technical and non-technical stakeholders may readily grasp the structured language used to write tests.
  3. Management of Test Data: Effective customer-centric testing requires realistic and representative test data. Test data must contain a variety of situations, including edge cases and boundary conditions, and should closely resemble the actual user data.
  4. Replication in a Test Environment: To achieve accurate and trustworthy test results, the test environment should closely mimic the production environment. In addition to the data and user profiles, this also entails reproducing the hardware, software, and network configurations.
  5. Test Automation Framework: Building, organising, and maintaining automated tests may be done in an organised manner using a well-designed test automation framework. It should facilitate the development of reused test components, data-driven testing, and reporting features to monitor test coverage and outcomes.
  6. Continuous Integration and Delivery (CI/CD): To guarantee that tests are conducted often and consistently, automated tests should be integrated into the CI/CD pipeline. This enables earlier issue discovery and quicker feedback loops between development and testing.
  7. Test Monitoring and Feedback: Continuous monitoring of test results and feedback from end users is essential to identify potential issues and improve the overall quality of the software. Test results and metrics should be analyzed to identify trends, patterns, and areas for improvement.
  8. Customer Feedback Integration: To pinpoint problem areas and modify test scenarios accordingly, the framework combines customer input channels such as user surveys, support queries, and feedback loops. By doing so, the whole user experience is improved and user pain points are addressed.

Becoming a customer-obsessed tester goes beyond traditional testing techniques and focuses on delivering software that delights users. By understanding the end user, incorporating customer feedback, designing user-centric test cases, and collaborating effectively with stakeholders, you can contribute to creating products that exceed customer expectations. Embrace the power of customer-centric testing and unlock the true potential of your testing efforts.

