IBM Security zSecure suite solution packages
IBM Security zSecure suite helps protect your mainframe. It provides cost-effective security administration, improves service by detecting threats, and reduces risk with automated audit and compliance reporting.
Besides the separate product offerings, there are three solution packages available for ordering that combine the functionality of several components.
IBM Security zSecure Administration (5655-ABH) contains :
IBM Security zSecure Admin (5655-ABB)
IBM Security zSecure Visual (5655-ABF)
IBM Security zSecure Compliance and Auditing (5655-ABI) contains:
IBM Security zSecure Audit (5655-ABC)
IBM Security zSecure Alert (5655-ABG)
IBM Security zSecure Command Verifier (5655-ABE)
IBM Security zSecure Compliance and Administration (5655-ABJ) contains:
IBM Security zSecure Admin (5655-ABB)
IBM Security zSecure Visual (5655-ABF)
IBM Security zSecure Audit (5655-ABC)
IBM Security zSecure Alert (5655-ABG)
IBM Security zSecure Command Verifier (5655-ABE)
Edit: There is now also a product IBM Z Security and Compliance Center (5655-CC1), which is not a part of zSecure suite, but which provides a super-set of the functionality of zSecure Audit. There are furthermore solution packages IBM Z Compliance and Auditing (5655-ABK) and IBM Z Compliance, Auditing and Administration (5655-ABL), which mirror the last two solution packages above but with that product instead of zSecure Audit. See this announcement.
IBM Security zSecure suite structure
The solution packages cover all the components that are installed directly onto z/OS.
The simple pictorial view of the overall zSecure suite structure is the following:
zSecure for z/OS consists of
installed directly onto z/OS:
5655-ABJ IBM Security zSecure Compliance and Administration, which consists of
5655-ABH IBM Security zSecure Administration, which consists of
a subset of the zSecure Audit functionality is contained in 5655-ABA IBM Security zSecure Adapters for SIEM
The bold product identifier numbers (PIDs) designate individual product offerings. The solutions each consist of a number of these.
IBM Security zSecure suite integration
Regardless of how you order them, the five products that are part of 5655-ABJ are strongly integrated.
For example, zSecure Admin, zSecure Audit, zSecure Alert, and zSecure Visual share one ISPF user interface.
When starting that UI, it will indicate what functions are available by referring to the appropriate bold PIDs.
The solution PIDs are used for ordering, but are not referenced by the software or the individual product books.
The solutions do come with their own Program Directories for ease of installation.
These solutions originally became available on June 1, 2012. You can read the US announcement letter
Note on sub-capacity pricing
When sub-capacity pricing applies, most of the zSecure products that run on z/OS are subject to z/OS-based sub-capacity charges. There are two exceptions: IBM Security zSecure CICS Toolkit and IBM Security zSecure Alert have Execution-based sub-capacity charges.
Note: If IBM Security zSecure Alert (5655-ABG) is ordered as a separate product, then sub-capacity charges are Execution-based. If IBM Security zSecure Alert is ordered as one of the components of the IBM Security zSecure Compliance and Auditing (5655-ABI) , IBM Security zSecure Compliance and Administration (5655-ABJ), IBM Z Compliance and Auditing (5655-ABK), or IBM Z Compliance, Administration and Auditing (5655-ABL) solutions, then it will have z/OS-based sub-capacity charges.
Edit: Changed the z/VM PID from 5655-T13 (V1) to 5655-RAC (V2)
Edit: Changed all z/OS PIDs from V2 to V3. The V2 PIDs were:
zSecure for z/OS consists of
installed directly onto z/OS:
5655-N25 IBM Security zSecure Compliance and Administration, which consists of
5655-N23 IBM Security zSecure Administration, which consists of
a subset of the zSecure Audit functionality is contained in 5655-AD8 IBM Security zSecure Adapters for SIEM