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Android Enterprise Webinars

By CIARAN DARCY posted Thu May 12, 2022 11:19 AM


Android Enterprise has been here for a number of years at this point and you may be noticing that some features of your MaaS360 subscription are not working as expected. This could be due to you not using Android Enterprise to enroll devices. This will become more prevalent and newer versions of Android are released and older versions are phased out


If you have not begun your migration to Android Enterprise then you really need to start planning it. To assist you with this the CS team have prepared a series of webinars on this important topic. .


The webinars will run over 4 weeks from the 26th of May, Registration links are in the heading of each session


Week 1: What is Android Enterprise and why the need to migrate?

This module will cover the background to Android Enterprise, what the benefits of using AE are and the consequences of not completing this migration


Week 2: Planning your migration and Implementation

Once you understand the benefits of migration and the timelines involved in this then planning this rollout is your next step. We go through best practice for planning an implementation and how you avoid some common pitfalls to leave yourself in best placed for success


Week 3: Building, configuring and testing your migration

This session will go through how best to set up your first migrations with devices. Again we offer tips and tricks for this step along with best practice for testing the migrations


Week 4: Running the migration to production.

Finally its time to run your migration. This last session advises how best to scale up the deployment so that you can get your devices moved over to AE with Minimum fuss and issues



So if you are using Android and still enrolling devices using DA mode please join us on these sessions and see the benefits of moving to Android Enterprise

 You can find the recording of each session along with the session materials in the blog below

Session Title Recording Presentation Checklists
Week 1:What is Android Enterprise and why the need to migrate?
Week 2:Planning your migration and Implementation
Week 3:Building, configuring and testing your migration
Week 4:Running the migration to production.
