IBM MaaS360

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Technical Intro Series

By CIARAN DARCY posted Thu July 30, 2020 07:52 AM


Back in January the Client Success team launched our first series of Online Technical Introductions to MaaS360. We were very pleased with the response and feedback to the series and in this blog I aim to give you an insight to what this series is and how it can benefit all MaaS360 customers not just new users.



As the name suggests it’s a series of online webinars designed to give people an grounding in the technical details of MaaS360. From Enrolling Users to Managing Applications, we cover all that you need to know to get a firm grounding on your portal. We also provide industry best practise tips and tricks to ensure your deployments go as smoothly as possible, you have the least issues with your solution and you have a good understanding of what is going on in your MaaS360 portal




Eamonn O’Mahony, Technical Client Success Manager and Ciaran Darcy, Client Success Manager for Europe deliver these webinars.

   Ciaran has been a Maas360 Client Success Manager for the past 2 years and through his client interactions has a solid understanding of what issues affect MaaS360 clients and uses this to assist with the development of content and is the “guy in the chair” while the webinar is ongoing , assisting with technical issues attendees have, answering some questions and keeping everything flowing through the session

   Eamonn is a Technical advisor to the Client Success team in Dublin, Ireland for customers in Europe, Middle East and Africa. He has been with the company and exclusively focussed on the MaaS360 product for more than five years. You will see his profile on the IBM Security Community, in the MaaS360 group. Eamonn has certifications for MaaS360 HelpDesk Admin, Administrator and Architect.





As I said earlier we cover nearly everything to get you started on MaaS360.  In series 1 we structured the webinars around common themes that we get questions about.


Session 1 -- Users

We discussed User Management in MaaS360. We cover how to enrol users, best practices for managing users, Directory Syncing, Authentication settings and SSO integration


Session 2 – Devices

 We look at device enrolment types, enrolment programmes,  enrolment settings, best practices for managing devices on your portal


Session 3 – Security

In this session we investigate the security settings in MaaS360. We look at policies, compliance rules and privacy settings. Discuss some privacy regulations that apply in different geographies and how MaaS360 applies to them and we look at the detailed security settings in MaaS360


Session 4 – Applications

Here we deep dive into application management. This shows the app catalog, app management and distribution, installing and upgrading apps on devices, best practices to manage the app catalog, and more.  We briefly discuss application development and deployment as well


Session 5 – Configuration

In the final session of Season 1 of office hours we look at everything that a portal admin can do to configure their portal. We look at the admin console, services and setting pages and how to trial new features. We also have a discussion about end user portals and partner portals.

Session 6 - Cloud Extender 101--prepare and install

In the first session of our deep dive into cloud extender we look at what is needed to be done to prepare for the installation of the component, requirements, best practices and checks to follow. We then go through an installation of the Cloud extender, confirm that its done correctly and perform any updates needed

Session 7 - Cloud Extender 102--configure and Manage
This session follows on from the previous on and looks at how you can ensure the cloud extender is functioning correctly and what management and tweaks can be done before a very quick overview of some of the modules available for CE

Session 8 -Cloud Extender Module Mail and Notifications
Following on from our Preparation and Installation sessions, we now get into using the Cloud Extender Configuration Tool. This first configuration session focusses specifically on Mail platform integration, specifically Exchange, Office365, Traveler, and Mail Notifications

Session 9 - Cloud Extender Additional Modules
This will finish the approach to Cloud Extender module configuration, and will include an explanation of modules including Certificate Integration, MaaS360 VPN, and Zebra Printer Management. Mobile Enterprise Gateway warrants individual sessions which we will deliver after this.




 You can indeed. We are in the process of re-recording all the episodes to make sure that the sound quality is the best we can make it and once that’s complete we will create a course on the Security Learning Academy. In the meantime here is a link to the recording of the 1st season with the presentations attached ( please note you will need to register to see the recording until the Learning Academy course is created)



Session Title

Link to Recording

Link to Presentation

User Management

Session 1

Session 1

Device Management

Session 2

Session 2


Session 3

Session 3

Application Management

Session 4

Session 4

Portal Configuration

Session 5

Session 5

Cloud Extender 101


Session 6

Session 6

Cloud Extender 102

Session 7

Session 7

Cloud Extender Modules 1

Session 8

Session 8

Cloud Extender Modules 2

Session 9

Session 9




We will. The plan at present is once we get the recordings of Season 1 cleaned up and uploaded then we will run a second series of live sessions target for October 2020. The Client success team will let you know well in advance the dates and times of these webinars.

UPDATE: below you will

Session Title Date and Time Registration Link
Cloud Extender 101 Thursday 22nd April  15:00 GMT Sign up here
Cloud Extender 102 Thursday 29th April 15:00 GMT Sign up here
Cloud Extender Modules  1 Thursday 27th May 15:00 GMT Sign up here
Cloud Extender Modules  2 Thursday 10th June 15:00 GMT Sign up here



We do intend to. The plan for the October series is to have a few extra sessions added including cloud extender configuration and best practices and some workshops for partners as well



 If we get enough interest we can look at adding the topic to the sessions planned for the Technical Introduction. To suggest a topic please mail and put in TECHNICAL INTRODUCTION in the subject header so that we know its related to that. We will also use that email to collect questions to be discussed around the topics on the webinars when we go back to live sessions.


Again the client success team have noticed that attending these webinars has made a difference to customers in their MaaS360 implementation and we do suggest that all customers at least check out the videos to refresh their knowledge on the basics of MaaS360.

Thanks for reading


