IBM Security QRadar SOAR

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IBM QRadar SOAR Python Libraries v51.

By Bo Bleckel posted Wed November 22, 2023 01:25 PM


Our following Python Libraries have been updated to version

What’s New

Version of the IBM Security QRadar SOAR Python libraries introduces changes to support the new versioning schema in SOAR, docgen improvements, and more.

If you develop app for IBM SOAR with resilient-sdk, please consider updating your version of resilient-sdk as soon as possible to avoid any compatibility issues with packaging apps from the new versioning system. As always, our Python libraries are backward compatible and you should make the effort to be on the latest version of all of them as soon as possible.

Change Log


  • Exports can now be documented using resilient-sdk docgen. This includes exports generated with the SDK using resilient-sdk extract or via the SOAR UI. Exports from the UI (playbooks or Organization settings exports) are both fully supported. Exports can be documented individually or as a group. This is particularly useful for documenting a collection of exported playbooks. As before, the docgen command only provides the outline of a documented product. Many of the details are left up to the developer to fill in completely.
  • The resilient-sdk package command has been updated to support the new versioning scheme.


  • Log obfuscation has been improved. Log values containing "id" no longer are obscured. Log obfuscation performance has been improved.


  • Retry logic has been added to resilient-lib.RequestsCommon.execute following the model of the retry2 package. By default, the previous behavior is used. To adopt retries in your app see the full resilient-lib documentation.

You can update your copies of each package using the pip install --upgrade command. For example:

pip install --upgrade "resilient-sdk>="

Checkout the Change Log and our docs at for more details.

