IBM Security QRadar SOAR

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PLAYBOOK: Create a SLA alert system on incidents

By BENOIT ROSTAGNI posted Tue March 22, 2022 09:58 AM


Many times, we have been requested a SLA system in QRadar SOAR. There is none OOTB, but I have created a working example that could be a good start to be updated to match your specific needs (speak to 5 customers, they all have 5 different way to calculate and work SLA

The solution given here is a self package playbook, that will use the OOTB integration Utility Functions for SOAR with the function Timer, on an App Host.

The Playbook is here:

The first script is calculating all elements and fixing SLA & Alert time.
you can change there the SLA value and the ALERT value, or use your own SLA calculation base on severity, security or service level
sla = 30 # Time to solve the incident
alert = 10 # Time to send the alert - in this example, notification from a note = sla = alert
# SLA Minutes Left Calculation

import time

first_time = incident.create_date/1000
later_time = time.time()
difference = round((later_time - first_time)/60)

# SLA ALERT in minutes
# This value could be calculated and set by other scripts if needed
sla = 30   # Time to solve the incident
alert = 10 # Time to send the alert - in this example, notification from a note = sla = alert

# calculating pause time
slatimer = round ((sla - difference - alert )/2)
if slatimer < 1:
  slatimer = 1 = slatimer

# We have plenty of time
if alert > difference: = False = sla - difference
# We are out of sla
elif difference > sla: = True
else: = False = sla - difference
# all the following fields will be listed in the condition below to be taken in the export package

The Timer function entry is a script, as I recalculated it at each loop:

inputs.utilities_time = "{}m".format(

The Alert is a script, but you could replace it by Text Message alert with TWILIO integration, or Email Alert message with Outbound Email integration for example, or just create a Notification to owner / members on this note creation. I have also added a Milestone.

By default, I loop here every minute on the alert time, but you can change that on previous script

# calculating pause time
slatimer = round ((sla - difference - alert )/2)
if slatimer < 1:
slatimer = 1 = slatimer

import datetime
date =
# Sample alert on a notification
# Create a note for notification, could be change by any other script or function
incident.addNote("@BenoitRostagni ( We are almost Out Of SLA: {}".format(
incident.addMilestone("SLA Warning", "We are almost Out Of SLA: {}".format(, date)

There is no message at the end, when you are OUT OF SLA, but it is easy to add one just before the End Point !

You can download this package from my Github

